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Adding to action menu in config - Fixed!

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Quick question, is it possible to add something to the in-game action menu when retexturing a vanilla asset?


Our group has retextured the Blackfish and if it could be done, it would be great to add an open and close door action menu item to the config. I know how to open the blackfish's doors  using an in-mission repeatable trigger, but it would be really nice to have in the action menu through the scroll wheel option.


Is this something that can be done and if so, where would it go in the config and what would it look like?




Here's the fix!


The vanilla blackfish does have the 'ramp open' feature for the infantry version but not the vehicle version. Not sure why the option wasn't being carried forward for the infantry version, but this fix worked for both retextures, infantry and vehicle.


I simply pasted the user action class in the retexture config and it seemed to work!


			class UserActions
				class Ramp_Open
					userActionID = 60;
					displayName = "Open ramp";
					textToolTip = "Open ramp";
					displayNameDefault = "<img image='\A3\Ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\Actions\open_door_ca.paa' size='2.5' />";
					position = "";
					condition = "this doorPhase ""Door_1_source"" < 0.5 AND Alive(this) && ({player == _x} count [driver this, this turretUnit [0], this turretUnit [3], this turretUnit [4]] > 0) && ((this getVariable ['bis_disabled_Ramp',0]) != 1)";
					statement = "this animateDoor ['Door_1_source', 1]";
					priority = 1.5;
					radius = 15;
					radiusView = 0.2;
					showIn3D = 17;
					available = 0;
					showWindow = 0;
					onlyForPlayer = 1;
					shortcut = "";
				class Ramp_Close: Ramp_Open
					userActionID = 61;
					displayName = "Close ramp";
					textToolTip = "Close ramp";
					condition = "this doorPhase ""Door_1_source"" > 0.5 AND Alive(this) && ({player == _x} count [driver this, this turretUnit [0], this turretUnit [3], this turretUnit [4]] > 0) && ((this getVariable ['bis_disabled_Ramp',0]) != 1)";
					statement = "this animateDoor ['Door_1_source', 0]";


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