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Spawn AI activated by trigger?

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Hey, so can SpawnAI modules be activated and deactivated depending on whether a trigger is active or not? If so what would the script for such a function look like? Would "triggerActivated trg1" work?

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1 hour ago, Varhastra said:

so can SpawnAI modules be activated and deactivated depending on whether a trigger is active or not?

Yes. Spawn AI Modules/Points are already configured to be able to turn them on/off by syncing a trigger to them in the editor.


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23 hours ago, Varhastra said:

Hey, so can SpawnAI modules be activated and deactivated depending on whether a trigger is active or not? If so what would the script for such a function look like? Would "triggerActivated trg1" work?


What do you mean by "modules" ?

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Do note, that when using spawnAI modules, you are either limited to vanilla units or you have to define mod groups in your description.EXT
In my post history, you will find lots related to CFGclasses and AI module..
Here's an example.
Credit to Larrow.


class CfgGroups {

    class west {

        class myCustomWestFaction { //Name for your custom faction

            class Infantry {    //SpawnAI module looks for this class

            	class myCustomWestInfGroup_1units {    //Can be called anything, name used for blacklisting

                    class unit0 {
                        vehicle = "B_Soldier_F";     //Class name of unit/vehicle
                        side = 1;                    //index of unit side being [ east, west, independent, civilian ]
                        rank = "SERGANT";            //rank name from CfgRanks
                        position[] = { 0, 0, 0 };    //offset position unit spawns from spawn point

                class myCustomWestInfGroup_3units {    //Can be called anything, name used for blacklisting

                    class unit0 {
                        vehicle = "B_Soldier_F";    //Class name of unit/vehicle
                        side = 1;                   //index of unit side being [ east, west, independent, civilian ]
                        rank = "SERGANT";           //rank name from CfgRanks
                        position[] = { 0, 0, 0 };   //offset position unit spawns from spawn point

                    class unit1 {
                        vehicle = "B_Soldier_F";    //Class name of unit/vehicle
                        side = 1;                   //index of unit side being [ east, west, independent, civilian ]
                        rank = "PRIVATE";           //rank name from CfgRanks
                        position[] = { 5, -5, 0 };  //offset position unit spawns from spawn point

                    class unit2 {
                        vehicle = "B_Soldier_F";    //Class name of unit/vehicle
                        side = 1;                   //index of unit side being [ east, west, independent, civilian ]
                        rank = "PRIVATE";           //rank name from CfgRanks
                        position[] = { -5, -5, 0 }; //offset position unit spawns from spawn point


                class myCustomWestInfGroup_6units {    //Can be called anything, name used for blacklisting

                    class unit0 {
                        vehicle = "B_Soldier_F";    //Class name of unit/vehicle
                        side = 1;                   //index of unit side being [ east, west, independent, civilian ]
                        rank = "SERGANT";           //rank name from CfgRanks
                        position[] = { 0, 0, 0 };   //offset position unit spawns from spawn point

                    class unit1 {
                        vehicle = "B_Soldier_F";    //Class name of unit/vehicle
                        side = 1;                   //index of unit side being [ east, west, independent, civilian ]
                        rank = "PRIVATE";           //rank name from CfgRanks
                        position[] = { 5, -5, 0 };  //offset position unit spawns from spawn point

                    class unit2 {
                        vehicle = "B_Soldier_F";    //Class name of unit/vehicle
                        side = 1;                   //index of unit side being [ east, west, independent, civilian ]
                        rank = "PRIVATE";           //rank name from CfgRanks
                        position[] = { -5, -5, 0 }; //offset position unit spawns from spawn point

                    class unit3 {
                        vehicle = "B_Soldier_F";    //Class name of unit/vehicle
                        side = 1;                   //index of unit side being [ east, west, independent, civilian ]
                        rank = "PRIVATE";           //rank name from CfgRanks
                        position[] = { 10, -10, 0 }; //offset position unit spawns from spawn point

                    class unit4 {
                        vehicle = "B_Soldier_F";    //Class name of unit/vehicle
                        side = 1;                   //index of unit side being [ east, west, independent, civilian ]
                        rank = "PRIVATE";           //rank name from CfgRanks
                        position[] = { -10, -10, 0 }; //offset position unit spawns from spawn point

                    class unit5 {
                        vehicle = "B_Soldier_F";    //Class name of unit/vehicle
                        side = 1;                   //index of unit side being [ east, west, independent, civilian ]
                        rank = "PRIVATE";           //rank name from CfgRanks
                        position[] = { 15, -15, 0 }; //offset position unit spawns from spawn point


            class Motorized {};     //SpawnAI module looks for this class for
            class Mechanized {};    //SpawnAI module looks for this class
            class Armored {};       //SpawnAI module looks for this class


Alternatively, you can also.
Setup trigger with whatever conditions and activation.
Set to "server only".
Put this in  OnAct:

_grp1 = [getMarkerPos "spawn1", east, ["O_Soldier_SL_F", "O_Soldier_F","O_Soldier_F","O_Soldier_F","O_Soldier_F","O_Soldier_AR_F"],0] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; 
_wpt1 = _grp1 addWaypoint [getMarkerPos "move1",5]; 
_wpt1 setWaypointType "MOVE";

Place those invisible pink markers (forgot their names) and name it example; spawn1.   //EDIT - They are called "system" markers.
You can also remove the 2 bottom lines if you don't want them to have waypoints or add more.




PS. I also have a script that once trigger activated, spawns "random sized groups" from within a predefined array, around the players that will instantly start hunting players down. If that is more your alley.

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6 minutes ago, razzored said:

Do note, that when using spawnAI modules, you are either limited to vanilla units or you have to define mod groups in your description.EXT

Yeah mate, correct.

I was keeping it simple since he made a simple question:

On 11/23/2020 at 4:56 AM, Varhastra said:

can SpawnAI modules be activated and deactivated depending on whether a trigger is active or not?

@VarhastraLOL...indeed it is possible; Efficient? not so much......see @razzored post.

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10 hours ago, zagor64bz said:

when using spawnAI modules, you are either limited to vanilla units or you have to define mod groups in your description.EXT

You are not limited to only vanilla units by default, but mod units must be setup in CfgGroups to BI naming conventions by the authors of said mod units.

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5 minutes ago, Larrow said:

You are not limited to only vanilla units by default, but mod units must be setup in CfgGroups to BI naming conventions by the authors of said mod units.

Yap...indeed it is..and I learned that at my expenses..hahahaha.😋

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Thank you all so much for your help, now all I've got left is to figure out how to make spawned ai via this method commandable via High Command


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Also im posting the other method i hinted at, its a simple script and may not be the most efficient one, but gets the job done.



private ["_min_groups", "_max_groups", "min_group_size", "_max_group_size", "_number_groups", "_man_type"];

private ["_this_speed","_speed","_this_formation","_formation","_formation_count","_this_group","_this_man_odds","skill_odds","_skill_index"];

_group0 = Creategroup EAST;
_group1 = Creategroup EAST;
_group2 = Creategroup EAST;
_group3 = Creategroup EAST;
_group4 = Creategroup EAST;
_group5 = Creategroup EAST;
_group6 = Creategroup EAST;
_group7 = Creategroup EAST;

// ******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************


_min_groups = 2;		// The mimimum number of groups that will be created
_max_groups = 5;		// The maximum number of groups that will be created. This number CANNOT exceed 8

_min_group_size = 3;	// The minimum number of people a group can contain
_max_group_size = 8;	// The maximum number of people a group can contain.

_start_distance = 200;		// This is the minimum spawn distance for a group from the trigger point
_max_distance = 800;	// This is the maximum spawn distance for a group from the trigger point

_max_enemy_distance = 200;	// This is the maximum distance a group can be from the player as the group follows the player around

// ******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
// This array contains the type of enemy soldiers that a group can contain. 


// The man odds give the chances of what type of soldiers the enemy group will contain. 100 is 100%
// For example, if _man_odds_group1=[100,70,60,10,5]; it means that the chances of O_Soldier_F being created are 100 - 70, which is 30%, for 
// O_officer_F, the chances are 70 - 60 which is 10% chance. And so on. Each group can have different odds.


// ******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
// These numbers represent the time BEFORE each group will be spawned in. Times are in seconds.
//  _group_spawn_delay_min=[30,45,30,60,60,30];
//  _group_spawn_delay_max=[40,60,60,80,65,40];
// The initial delay before any groups are spawned will be 30 seconds + random time of (40 - 30), so 30 seconds + random of 10 seconds.
// The next group will spawn at 45 seconds + random time of (60 - 45), so 45 seconds + random of 15 seconds, and so on.

_sleep_delay = 20;						// This MUST be at least two times less than any of the _group_spawn_delay numbers

// ******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
// The _speed_type array contains the various types of speed the group can operate at.


// The _speed_odds array uses the same chance principles as the man odds. 
// For example, _speed_odds = [100,60,30]; will give 100 - 60, which is 40% chance that the group will have LIMITED speed, and so on.

_speed_odds = [100,60,30];

// The _formation_type array contains all the types of formations that each group can move to a waypoint with.


// The _formation_odds array uses the same chance principles as the man odds.

_formation_odds = [100,90,80,70,60,50,40,30,20,10];

// ******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************

_group_skill=[0.2, 0.3, 0.4 ,0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9];

_skill_odds=[100, 95, 85, 70, 50, 30, 15, 5];		// Must contain the same number of entries as _group_skill

// ******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************

_all_groups = [_group0, _group1, _group2, _group3, _group4, _group5, _group6, _group7];
_all_man_odds = [_man_odds_group0, _man_odds_group1, _man_odds_group2, _man_odds_group3, _man_odds_group4, _man_odds_group5];

_number_groups = floor(random (_max_groups - _min_groups)) + _min_groups;

//hint format ["Groups %1", _number_groups];

_man_number = count _man_type;

_formation_count = count _formation_type;

private ["_i", "_j", "_k",  "_odds", "_table_odds", "_this_man", "_skill_level"];

//hint format ["Position %1, %2",_spawn_position, _number_groups];

_skill_count = (count _group_skill) - 1;

// ******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************

	_group_counter = 0;

	_wait_time = 0;

	_delay_min = _group_spawn_delay_min select _group_counter;
	_delay_max = _group_spawn_delay_max select _group_counter;

	_delay_time =  (random (_delay_max - _delay_min)) + _delay_min;

	_wait_time = _wait_time + _delay_time;

	_skill_index = 0;

//	hint format ["Initial Delay: %1", _delay_time];

	while {alive player} do

		if ( time > _wait_time) then

			if ( _group_counter < _number_groups) then

				_this_group = _all_groups select _group_counter;
				_this_man_odds = _all_man_odds select _group_counter;

				_group_size = floor(random (_max_group_size - _min_group_size)) + _min_group_size;

				_spawn_position = position player;

				_xpos = _spawn_position select 0;
				_ypos = _spawn_position select 1;
				_zpos = _spawn_position select 2;

				_distance = _start_distance + random (_max_distance - _start_distance);
				_angle = random 360;

				_xxpos = (_distance * cos _angle);
				_yypos = (_distance * sin _angle);

				_xpos = _xpos + _xxpos;
				_ypos = _ypos + _yypos;

				_spawn_position set [0, _xpos];
				_spawn_position set [1, _ypos];
				_spawn_position set [2, _zpos];

				_odds = random (100);
				for "_i" from 0 to _skill_count do

					_table_odds = _skill_odds select _i;

					if (_odds < _table_odds) then
						_skill_index = _i;


//				hint format ["_skill_index %1, _skill_count %2", _skill_index, _skill_count];

				_skill_level = _group_skill select _skill_index;
				_skill_level_name = _group_skill_level select _skill_index;

				for "_i" from 0 to (_group_size - 1) do

					_odds = random (100);

					for "_j" from 0 to (_man_number - 1) do

						_table_odds = _this_man_odds select _j;

						if (_odds < _table_odds) then

							_this_man = _j;


					_man = _man_type select _this_man;
					_man createUnit [_spawn_position, _this_group,"this allowFleeing 0", _skill_level, "Private"];


//				hint format ["ENEMY SPAWNED: Group size %1, Skill: %2", _group_size,_skill_level_name];

				_formation = _formation_type select floor random count _formation_type;

				_wp1 = _this_group addWaypoint [position player, _max_enemy_distance];
				_wp2 = _this_group addWaypoint [position player, _max_enemy_distance];
				_wp3 = _this_group addWaypoint [position player, _max_enemy_distance]; 

				_wp1 setWaypointBehaviour "AWARE"; 
				_wp1 setwaypointtype "MOVE"; 
				_wp1 setWaypointFormation _formation;
				_wp1 setWaypointSpeed "Normal";
				_wp1 setwaypointstatements ["True", ""];

				_wp2 setwaypointtype "MOVE"; 

				_wp3 setWaypointType "Cycle";

				_group_counter = _group_counter + 1;

				_delay_min = _group_spawn_delay_min select _group_counter;
				_delay_max = _group_spawn_delay_max select _group_counter;

				_delay_time =  (random (_delay_max - _delay_min)) + _delay_min;

				_wait_time = _wait_time + _delay_time;

//				hint format ["Initial Delay: %1", _delay_time];



		for "_i" from 0 to (_group_counter - 1) do

			_this_group = _all_groups select _i;

			_odds = random (100);

			for "_j" from 0 to ((count _speed_odds) - 1) do

				_table_odds = _speed_odds select _j;

				if (_odds < _table_odds) then
					_this_speed = _j;


			_odds = random (100);

			for [ {_j=0}, { _j <  _formation_count}, { _j =_j+1 } ] do

				_table_odds = _formation_odds select _j;

				if (_odds < _table_odds) then
					_this_formation = _j;


			_speed = _speed_type select _this_speed;
			_formation = _formation_type select _this_formation;

//			hint format ["Speed: %1, Formation: %2", _speed, _formation];

			[_this_group, 1] setWaypointSpeed _speed;
			[_this_group, 1] setWaypointFormation _formation;

			[_this_group, 1] setWaypointPosition [ getPosATL player, random (_max_enemy_distance) ];
			[_this_group, 2] setWaypointPosition [ getPosATL player, random (_max_enemy_distance) ];


	sleep _sleep_delay;




Add trigger

Any player
(Server only reccomended, unsure if it still work with that ticked though).

this && (player in thisList)
({_x In thisList} count AllPlayers > 0)          //unsure if this one will give good results



Nul = execVM "DynamicAISpawnISS.sqf";

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