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The least resource hungry editor object

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I have a mission where defenders positions are spawned onto a shell crater decal I used as a placeholder.

Everything is working great and I'm very proud of myself etc 🙂


My question is as the title... What would be the least resource hungry object to use as the defender position?

Something with the model turned off or Simulation off?

A small grass cutter?

A game logic?


I'm intrigued and shall wait for the avalanche of responses while basking in the glory of my achievements today! (hopefully obvious sarcasm as I'm clearly not very good at this)

Ta in advance 

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Hi ChickenCreator, welcome to the forums!

To make a snobby quote by someone much much smarter than myself, "“Premature optimization is the root of all evil.” . Unless the defender position is changed several times a second, I really wouldn't worry about how it's created. 

But to answer your question: game logics and markers don't have physics or graphics simulation on them, so consume slightly less resources on clients. But you might be spending unnecessary time changing the syntax of your code to work with markers (get markerpos "_marker" vs getpos _object ). And it'll probably be more irritating to position an invisible object correctly in 3D, rather than a cerealbox with hideObject

Long story short: just make things convenient for yourself. Because players won't notice.

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Thank you for the response.

The positions are called by nearestObjects, this points to all crater decals (the placeholder i'm looking to change) in a range of 100m around that objective.

There will be hundreds of these over the whole map. The above saying is more than like correct but I didn't want to lay it all out and have to change it.

My other option would be to log all the positions and call it by script. I will build it all first and see.


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