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CAS being called from cfgCommand

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Hoping one of you pro-programmers can help me out. I'm trying to call (3) different cas types in MP from the CFGCommand menu. This works great from launching a server from EDEN but once it goes dedicated not so much.


wncas2 = [
["CAS Gun and Run",[2],"",-5,[["expression","[cursorTarget,300,'B_Plane_CAS_01_F',0] execVM 'scripts\casgun.sqf';"]],"1","1"],
["CAS Gun and Missle",[3],"",-5,[["expression","[cursorTarget,300,'B_Plane_CAS_01_F',1] execVM 'scripts\casgr.sqf';"]],"1","1"],
["CAS Missle",[4],"",-5,[["expression","[cursorTarget,300,'B_Plane_Fighter_01_Stealth_F',2] execVM 'scripts\casmissle.sqf';"]],"1","1"]


hint "CAS Gun and Run Strike inbound!";

_position = screenToWorld [0.5,0.5];
_direction = round(random 360);

_logic = "Logic" createVehicleLocal _position;
_logic enableSimulationGlobal false; _logic hideObjectGlobal true;
_logic setDir _direction;
_logic setVariable ["vehicle",_vehicle];
_logic setVariable ["type",_type];

[_logic,nil,true] spawn BIS_fnc_moduleCAS;

[_logic] Spawn {
sleep 5;
deleteVehicle (_this select 0);

Yeah I know my coding and formatting is terrible - I'm old. I have tried using remoteExec and remoteExecCall again it works great locally. This idea stems from Xeno's domination scripts which are way over my paygrade.


And now that I'm posting this I'm missing a } at then end - would that break it?


Thanks for any suggestions.

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20 hours ago, wingnutwn said:

And now that I'm posting this I'm missing a } at then end - would that break it?

Sorry, I can't help ya with your quest, but for sure if you open a {"whatever-in"} you have to close it, followed by";" in your case.

ps: I'm old too brotha (probably even older than you😢😉😂)... let's keep up with this youngster😜!


ps2: after checking your code, I found a few notorious forum-bug "red dots". If you "copy-paste" codes from the forum, ALWAYS run them through the CODE button in the reply window.

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BIS_fnc_moduleCAS exits if it is not run on the server. By the very nature of a commandingMenu, a gui, must be shown on a client. So you need to remoteExec from the expression field in your menu items so the function is run on the server.

["CAS Gun and Run",[2],"",-5,[["expression","[[cursorTarget,300,'B_Plane_CAS_01_F',0],'scripts\casgun.sqf'] remoteExec['BIS_fnc_execVM',2];"]],"1","1"],


  • Thanks 1

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