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Problems getting trgm2 and DRO to work on a dedicated server

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Hi folks,

I'm trying to get some Mission generators to work on my dedicated linux server, namely trgm2 and Dynamic Recon Ops, both for Altis. I got the files from workshop (in the shap of a cryptic legacy bin), and then copied them over to the mpmissions folder, renaming them to trgm2.altis.pbo and dro.altis.pbo.
I can also load into these missions fine, but DRO hands in "Generating Mission", with nothing happening in the logs for 5+ minutes, and trgm2 lets me set up a mission, but when you load in it seems like all the tasks are done and the only thing left to do is to end the mission at the whiteboard.
I'm pretty sure, that people have gotten those to work on a dedicated box, and I would really appreciate some advice on this.


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