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Weird AT projectile distance in HitPart

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I'm using HitPart to count damage done to a door but I get weird projectile distance return when shooting the door with AT weapon.


I get this kind of log entries with one AT shot:


16:42:13 "damage is 'door_1' dist: 11337.4 distp: 18.1446 (150)"
16:42:13 "damage is 'door_1' dist: 11337.4 distp: 18.1446 (150)"
16:42:13 "damage is 'door_1' dist: 6.56717 distp: 18.1446 (495)"


The distance (dist) is either 11337.4 (way too long) or 6.56 (still too long). Distance to player (distp) seems ok


If I shoot with rifle the distance is what expected (around 2):


16:42:36 "damage is 'door_1' dist: 2.30221 distp: 18.1446 (10)"


Test code:


_bldg addEventHandler ["HitPart", 

_x params ["_bldg", "_shooter", "_projectile", "_position", "_velocity", "_selection", "_ammo", "_vector", "_radius", "_surfaceType", "_isDirect"];

_hit = _ammo # 0;
_ammoName = _ammo # 4;
if(count _selection > 0) then

_sel = (_selection # 0);
if("door" in (tolower _sel)) then

private _pos = _bldg selectionPosition format ["%1_trigger", _sel];
private _doorpos = _bldg modelToWorld _pos;
private _dp = getposATL _projectile;
private _distToExplosion = _doorpos distance _dp;

diag_log format["damage is '%1' dist: %2 distp: %3 (%4)", _sel,_distToExplosion,_doorpos distance player, _hit];

} foreach _this;



(I'm testing on Takistan map)


Does anyone know why this is happening and how to fix? I hope the HitPart just isn't bugged...



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probably because this EH runs multiple times in one AT shot. You should try to use the direct fire with the "_isDirect" parameter.

Huge distance just means that, somewhere during the EH code, the projectile is gone (objNull), then the reference is the map origin [0,0,0]. You can add something like:

while {!isnull _projectile} do {_dp = getPos _projectile}; (I didn't check if this kind of ammo disappear at once when hit, or if there is some remaining ballistic for a non-null object)


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@pierremgi Good point, the projectile was in fact null for the longest distance but for the 6.5 distance it's [425523: empty.p3d]. And that empty also has the biggest damage (hit) so I wonder what that means is the other splash damage and other direct? The 6.5 dist shot is direct according to _isDirect. but still the question , why 6.5 dist?

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Do you guys think that when I hit the door with missile the distance to the door is reported to be over 6 meters because of the blast radius? If so I think this needs to be fixed in the engine there has to be other way to determine the distance to impact position

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Use the _position given to you by the event itself, don't getpos the projectile.
At least for me the distance returned is closer to 0 using this:

_bldg addEventHandler ["HitPart", {
        _x params ["_bldg", "_shooter", "_projectile", "_position", "_velocity", "_selection", "_ammo", "_vector", "_radius", "_surfaceType", "_isDirect"];

        if (_isDirect) then {
            _hit = _ammo # 0;
            _ammoName = _ammo # 4;

            if (count _selection > 0) then {
                _sel = (_selection # 0);

                if("door" in (tolower _sel)) then {
                    private _pos = _bldg selectionPosition format ["%1_trigger", _sel];
                    private _doorpos = _bldg modelToWorldVisual _pos;
                    private _dp = ASLToAGL _position;
                    private _distToExplosion = _doorpos distance _dp;
                    diag_log format["damage is '%1' dist: %2 distp: %3 (%4)", _sel,_distToExplosion,_doorpos distance player, _hit]; 
    } foreach _this;

You may get two direct hits if the ammo uses submunition.

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1 hour ago, h - said:

Use the _position given to you by the event itself, don't getpos the projectile.


Thx! I had tried it too but I was missing the ASLToAGL. So now with that I get reasonable dist, thx for that!

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