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Something weird

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It seems a hack is in play or something not right with signal, I was in middle of map and used signal and it declared 3 players were in play, 2 being on both north exits and 1 on south, no one near to me. I went into the building that signal was on and to my surprise sprinting footsteps coming onto me, I kill one and he is with a fellow cheat and gets better of me despite me putting him at red health. Why weren’t they highlighted on radar and again, please end the chat availability on solo play that they require to communicate 

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Hi !
It's a regular bug, you can not always trust the signal detector...

And now, with the signal jammer, doesn't looks that weird

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I know of the signal hammer but they were literally by my side in a bush or whatever waiting to pounce on the person who used signal, no red icon appeared to highlight any jammer was in my

area as it usually would and if it

was the one person, I would put it down to an overlook but when a teaming up play on a solo round occurs with it, thinking the worse of more cheating in play comes first to mind. Just hoping no hacks were in play, seen people teleporting and flying in games like cod so not what possibilities are on this platform but wouldn’t discard it completely 

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this morning I had an example of what happened to you

I used the signal dectector, and I was on my own , and when exiting, someone was waiting for me.
That's a well known bug, the one that still makes people to thrill to the last second in game.

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