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Seeming as we can’t discuss this subject in depth as it gets deleted and access banned without response, can I simply ask do vigor have any plans to improve on the teaming up issue on solo play that is costing you in players who are quitting the game in frustration and to avoid the game being ruined by selfish individuals? If nothing can be done, can the minimum be that the negative stats are removed so that we only have positive ones and all we lose are our loadouts and our hard worked stats not dented by immaturity of others. The game would be more enjoyable not having a survival rate and loot per encounter stat (loot earned is enough), I would prefer to stay positive, also for the average players seeing a negative can be frustrating and another reason to quit the game. Kill counter, total loot earned, kills per encounter, games played and airdrops collected is enough in my point of view

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Teaming in solos is frustrating but I want to state as a long term supporter of Vigor, I don’t care about it: I’ve played more than 1,700 encounters and it doesn’t bother me.  Lost ability to map select bothers me and is one of the few moments in the game that I don’t like (oh good, Dverg, AGAIN).   I’m not posting to complain.  I’m posting to hopefully weigh in with Devs and tell them to not worry about teaming in solos.  Worry about making the game as it is currently constructed as good as it can be.   For example, fixing comm stations is far more important for Season 5 than adjusting to limit teaming in solos

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I remember Vigor without any kind of stats.  Curiously, the kind of player that kill for fun arrived just when stats were there a few week before.


Stats just give them the fun and feel the power of being the one with 5000 killed.  


It's easy to kill person when they loot stuff, maybe they should try to grow and get back to fortnite or other game like that.



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I have seen also teaming, but less than in the beginning. When you play more duos and get experience to fight against 2 players, your surviving against teaming players will improve. It's kind of real thing in the game, but luckily not happening that much...still, less than in the beginning.

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