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Loop over all vehicles and add action to it

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I want to loop over all vehicles and add an action to it (also those vehicles, that i spawn with Zeus) how do i do that?

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i know what a foreach loop is.. but arma 3 is a pita when its about locality.. thats the main issue i had in the past and before i start over again, i though someone knows exactly in which file and where i have to put it..


On 8/12/2020 at 2:06 PM, Harzach said:


i dont think so.. this will be part of a small mod

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24 minutes ago, tebbbs said:

i know what a foreach loop is.. but arma 3 is a pita when its about locality.. thats the main issue i had in the past and before i start over again, i though someone knows exactly in which file and where i have to put it..



i dont think so.. this will be part of a small mod


Then start a topic for the development of your mod. As it is, this is a scripting topic.

I'm not rules-lawyering, though it is indeed a forum rule. The point is that putting your topic in the wrong subforum can result in fewer eyes on it.

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On 8/12/2020 at 11:26 AM, tebbbs said:

I want to loop over all vehicles and add an action to it (also those vehicles, that i spawn with Zeus) how do i do that?


So your key issue is that you want to add actions to every spawned vehicle?

In this case, a loop would be a very inefficient solution.


You can use init Eventhandlers in the vehicle's config:


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5 sec. loop:

private "_vehicles";

private _array = [];

while { (True) } do
    _vehicles = (vehicles - _array);
    if (True) then
        if (_vehicles isEqualTo [] ) exitWith {};
        _array append _vehicles;
        {_x addAction ["Your action here!", {} ]; } forEach _vehicles;
    sleep 5;
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Better yet : instead of creating numerous actions, add one single action that works for all vehicles to the player itself.

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