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I cannot modify a Bluefor unit

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Hello, Lately I spent it doing personal missions and so on, But I tried to search the forum and others of ArmA 2, If there was a possibility that a bluefor unit would change the texture of the uniform, As I did not find results, I decided to do my own question.

I have an expansion called "Female Soldier". Try Female Units, I went to the files, Retextured the texture to CDF, I passed it to .PAA and took it to the "ARMA 2" folder after that, In the editor I put "this setobjecttexture [0, "PCDF.paa"] "but I had no luck, The model was still the same, So I have 2 questions if you can help me.

How can I change the Bluefor uniform?

How can I transfer that unit from faction to IND?

I wait for answers, Thanks. ^^

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this is inside the config, change side id.

class CfgFactionClasses
    class Myclass
        displayName = "MyCustomClass";
        priority = 100;
        side = 2;


0 - OPFOR - "EAST"

2 - Independent - "GUER"

3 - Civilian - "CIV"

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