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Issues with fading black screen and monolog/sounds.

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Hi, i am working on a campaign scenario where it begins with a black screen then a little dialog to simulate that the player just have woken up.

Issue is that i can not get the black screen fading working with monologue.


As of now i am using KbTell for monologue and playSound for the sound of an alarm...

For the screen fadeing i have call BIS_fnc_blackOut.


Here is my code:

// Intro and monologue.
player KbAddTopic ["intro","dialog\intro\intro.bikb","",""];

["intro_screen", false, 5] call BIS_fnc_blackOut;
playSound "alarm";
sleep 2;
Player KbTell [player, "intro", "monologLine1"];
titleText ["<t color='#51b0f0' size='1.5'>Player: </t><t size='1.4'>*Yawn*.. 7:30, FUCK!</t>","PLAIN DOWN", -1, true, true];   // Dialog subtitles.
waitUntil {
    player KbWasSaid [player, "intro", "instructorLine1", 2];

sleep 0.5;
titleText ["<t size='1.6'></t>","PLAIN DOWN", -1, true, true];  //Removes subtitles.
sleep 0.5; 
["intro_screen", true, 5] call BIS_fnc_blackIn;


In this exsample the black screen works and i get the titleText working but no sound.

And if i use titleCut the sound works but the black screen is not in working. It just goes black the does not fade out.


Anybody have a clue on on this topic?..

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Fixed it.


Took another look at titleCut and i had the waitUntill wrong.

Final code that works is:

// Begin with a black screen

titleCut ["", "BLACK FADED", 5];


// Playing the alarm.
sleep 1;
playSound "Analog_alarm";
sleep 2;


// monologue.
Player KbTell [player, "intro", "monologueLine1"];
titleText ["<t color='#51b0f0' size='1.5'>Player: </t><t size='1.4'>*Yawn*.. What time is it?</t>","PLAIN DOWN", -1, true, true];
waitUntil {
    player KbWasSaid [player, "intro", "monologueLine1", 3];
sleep 0.5;


// Fade back to game.

titleCut ["", "BLACK IN", 5];

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