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Bullets in crates

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Hi prayers, just a general query...do you find the ammo rewards in crates a desired form of loot reward or prefer to have no bullets and slots filled with the regular rewards on offer that you get from other filled slots, just trying to work out if the bullets are wanted or a waste of reward space?

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I think that bullets should have is own pouch..  not to be count as place in the bag..  Or, when you find it and keep it, point should be grant at the end like for fuel etc



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I personally don't mind bullets being crates as Ive had my fair share of not bringing enough ammo and getting lucky that I find some. In the way of having their own pouch when you look at your character they just have a single bag so I understand having them count towards the inventory. Would it be nice to not have to worry about ammo taking inventory sure but I fully understand why they made it this way.

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