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Is it possible that, if there are players on the server (4 or more) then the AI would be 2x more than the players. Is there a good way to make a script about it? 


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@Sgt. Dennenboom 

I create as one team at a time. 

Most are like this

SP_Missions_Squad_Members = 3 + (random 3 + 4);
for "_x" from 0 to (SP_Missions_Squad_Members) do .....

and without 

for "_x" from 0 to (random 5 + 7) do ...... 


 i like this style more, because easier to control things.

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You could do something like this:

_multiplier = if (count allPlayers >= 4) then {2} else {1};
// You could make a mathematical equation instead of just an if statement

SP_Missions_Squad_Members = (3 + (floor random 3 + 4)) * _multiplier;
// random results in a decimal value instead of an integer, which is wonky to use in a loop so it is rounded

for "_x" from 0 to SP_Missions_Squad_Members do ....

There are many ways to achieve what you want, but this snippet uses the number of in-game players at the moment the script runs to increase the amount of spawned enemies.

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