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Thomas A

Hinting the BLUFOR side once HoldAction is completed

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Hello BIF forums,

I am trying to hint the blufor team (the cops) once the holdaction is completed and done by a person from the civilian side.

The thing I have been playing around with, was this one
{if (side _x isEqualTo WEST) then {["!!! NOGEN FORSØGER AT RØVE KELLETS NATIONALBANK","warning"] call Aquaman_fnc_notification_system;};} forEach allUnits;

_westPlayers = allPlayers select {side _x == west};

 "Hack Bank Dør #1",         
 "player distance _target < 3",         
 "player distance _target < 3 && life_inv_hackingdevice > 0 && side player == civilian",         
 {["Du hacker nu den første dør til banken","info"] call Aquaman_fnc_notification_system; {if (side _x isEqualTo WEST) then {["!!! NOGEN FORSØGER AT RØVE KELLEYS NATIONALBANK","warning"] call Aquaman_fnc_notification_system;};} forEach allUnits;},         
 {bankDoorOne animate ["Door_1_rot", 1], bankDoorOne animate ["Door_2_rot", 1], bankDoorOne setVariable ['bis_disabled_Door_1',1,true], bankDoorOne setVariable ['bis_disabled_Door_2',1,true], bankDoorOne setVariable ['hacked',true], ["Du hackede successfuldt den første dør til banken!","success"] call Aquaman_fnc_notification_system; if ((side player) == west) then {["!!! DEN FØRSTE DØR TIL BANKEN ER NU BLEVET ÅBNET !!!","warning"] call Aquaman_fnc_notification_system;};},         
 {bankDoorOne animate ["Door_1_rot", 0], bankDoorOne animate ["Door_2_rot", 0], bankDoorOne setVariable ['bis_disabled_Door_1',1,true], bankDoorOne setVariable ['bis_disabled_Door_2',1,true], bankDoorOne setVariable ['hacked',false], ["Du stoppede med at hacke den første dør til banken!","error"] call Aquaman_fnc_notification_system;},         
] remoteExec ["BIS_fnc_holdActionAdd", 0, kelleys_bank_keyboard_civ];        
 "Hack Bank Dør #2",         
 "player distance _target < 3 && bankDoorOne getVariable ['hacked',true]",        
 "player distance _target < 3 && bankDoorOne getVariable ['hacked',true] && life_inv_hackingdevice > 0 && side player == civilian",         
 {["Du hacker nu den anden dør til banken","info"] call Aquaman_fnc_notification_system; {if (side _x isEqualTo WEST) then {["!!! NOGEN FORSØGER AT RØVE KELLEYS NATIONALBANK","warning"] call Aquaman_fnc_notification_system;};} forEach allUnits;},         
 {bankDoorTwo animate ["Door_1_rot", 1], bankDoorTwo animate ["Door_2_rot", 1], bankDoorTwo setVariable ['bis_disabled_Door_1',1,true], bankDoorTwo setVariable ['bis_disabled_Door_2',1,true], ["Du hackede successfuldt den anden dør til banken!","success"] call Aquaman_fnc_notification_system; if ((side player) == west) then {["!!! DEN ANDEN DØR TIL BANKEN ER NU BLEVET ÅBNET !!!","warning"] call Aquaman_fnc_notification_system;};},         
 {bankDoorTwo animate ["Door_1_rot", 0], bankDoorTwo animate ["Door_2_rot", 0], bankDoorTwo setVariable ['bis_disabled_Door_1',1,true], bankDoorTwo setVariable ['bis_disabled_Door_2',1,true], ["Du stoppede med at hacke den anden dør til banken!","error"] call Aquaman_fnc_notification_system;},         
] remoteExec ["BIS_fnc_holdActionAdd", 0, kelleys_bank_keyboard_civ];

Kind regards
Thomas A


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