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Vehicle Inventory System

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This addon adds the capability to manage the inventory of vehicles using profiled loadouts when the vehicle is near a BI or ACE arsenal, similar to the BI or ACE Arsenal Loadouts


This system is intended to allow anyone to develop and save a custom vehicle loadout without having to write scripts and record item classnames. Simply configure a vehicle inventory as you like, save the loadout as a profile and load it into any vehicle near an ACE or BI virtual arsenal.

This is designed to work in SP, MP and Dedicated with human and AI vehicles.

This is a Beta release. 


Steam Link: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2161671937

YouTube Demo: 


***For best results, use with the AmmoCan mod, to save vehicle profiles with additional ammo!




Supported Vehicles:

  • All mobile Vehicles are Supported by Default (Static Turrets are not supported at this time)


  • Support for SP, MP and Dedicated
  • Ability to clear existing inventory from a vehicle
  • Ability to save and load inventory profiles for later use, or for quickly preparing for the mission at hand
  • Tested & compatible with ALiVE and Zeus spawned vehicles
  • Should be compatible with Liberation, Antistasi, etc. (Would love testing feedback)


The vehicle must be near a BI or ACE arsenal and not moving - at that point the vehicle will have a scroll action to allow saving and loading.

  • Non-armored vehicles must be within 30 meters
  • Armored vehicles must be within 50 meters
  • Aircraft must be within 200 meters
  • Ships must be within 300 meters

Vehicles are automatically ready to have profiles saved and loaded.
Simply fill a vehicle inventory to the desired specifications, and save the loadout. It can be loaded again into a vehicle for later use.
Loadouts are not vehicle specific, however it is recommended to make separate loadouts for vehicles with different carrying capacities, as to avoid truncating your inventory.


Vehicle Loadout Procedure:
From anywhere you can access the inventory of a compatible vehicle, which has been parked nearby an BI or Ace Arsenal > From your inventory, deposit desired items into the vehicle > While near an BI or Ace arsenal, save the loadout via scroll interaction > Load the profile as needed.


Like the BI and Ace Arsenals, this mod does not 'add' items to the vehicle inventory, rather it sets the inventory to a given profile. When loading vehicles, be sure to load a profile as needed before adding any additional items.
The saves are associated with your ARMA 3 profile - if you change profiles, you won't see your saves.



  • The system does not track which addons you are using. If you make a save for items that aren't available they will be skipped (I think...feedback welcome)
  • Overwriting save profiles is not yet implemented
  • Vehicle Loadouts are not Vehicle Unique, so inventories that are too large for the vehicle you're trying to load won't work.
  • Does not preserve ACE Cargo spaces. Any item in ACE Cargo will still need to be managed by hand.


Planned Updates:

  • ACE Cargo compatibility
  • Ability to overwrite existing save profiles
  • Additional inventory realism features
  • Static turret support


Usage Restrictions:
The GNU General Public License v3.0: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.en.html

I know folks are going to dePBO this, so the GPL license just basically asks that you mention me on any work based on this. I will be making my Github for this public once the addon is a bit more mature.

Anyone may add the raw PBOs for this mod into their own addons, etc.


Acknowledgments and Thanks:

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