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Markus Staiger

Eden Editor Supply Drop HELP!

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Can I add different types of magazines to the supply drop?

I tried it this way but it doesn’t work:

clearMagazineCargo _this; clearItemCargo _this; clearWeaponCargo _this; _this addMagazineCargo ["Item_FirstAidKit", 15]; _this addMagazineCargo ["Item_Medikit", 15]; _this addMagazineCargo ["rhs_magazine_rhs_100Rnd_762x54mmR_green", 15]; _this addMagazineCargo ["rhs_magazine_rhs_10Rnd_762x39mm", 30]; _this addMagazineCargo ["rhs_magazine_rhs_10Rnd_762x39mm_tracer", 30]; _this addMagazineCargo ["rhs_magazine_rhs_10rnd_9x39mm_SP6", 30]; _this addMagazineCargo ["rhs_magazine_rhs_10Rnd_762x54mmR_7n14", 30]; _this addMagazineCargo ["rhs_magazine_rhs_mag_9x19_17", 30]; _this addMagazineCargo ["rhs_magazine_rhs_20rnd_9x39mm_SP5", 30]; _this addMagazineCargo ["rhs_magazine_rhs_mag_9x19mm_7n21_20", 30]; _this addMagazineCargo ["rhs_magazine_rhs_30Rnd_545x39_7N10_2mag_AK", 30]; _this addMagazineCargo ["rhs_magazine_rhs_30Rnd_545x39_7N10_AK", 30]; _this addMagazineCargo ["rhs_magazine_rhs_45Rnd_545x39_AK", 30]; _this addMagazineCargo ["rhs_magazine_rhs_5Rnd_338lapua_t5000", 30]; _this addMagazineCargo ["rhs_magazine_rhs_mag_9x18_8_57N181S", 30]; _this addMagazineCargo ["rhs_magazine_rhs_mag_f1", 20]; _this addMagazineCargo ["rhs_magazine_rhs_GDM40", 20]; _this addMagazineCargo ["rhs_magazine_rhs_rpg7_PG7VL_mag", 10]; Signal = "SmokeShellYellow" createVehicle position _this; _this allowDamage false;

HELP plz!

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You could put those in a box that you load on the chopper or sling underneath and have it dropped. I cannot get any chopper to hold anything but basic default supplies. So when it does a supply drop it is unlikely to drop anything that is not default. A vehicle would work even better, doesn't have to be big, just put that in the vehicles init. I don't know how to change the supply drop and I know the AI is not real trustworthy if you have them bring supplies but they can do it but you'll have to load the box IMO. You look around here you'll find a script for it or an addon.

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6 hours ago, Alleged Accomplice said:

You look around here you'll find a script for it or an addon.


  • Thanks 1

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