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 I've been working on an Australian Army retexture for some vehicles (M1A1, 'Hawkei', 'Boxer') and have finished with the retexturing, however, I'm having problems trying to write my own config file, I've tried step by step tutorials and read through multiple pages of explanations but still fail at every attempt. The add-on relies on CUP vehicles and vanilla assets. I have a generally 'loose' understanding of how this kinda stuff works but am trying to learn so if anyone could help even the slightest it would be greatly appreciated!


 So far I've managed this:


class CfgPatches {

    class My_Mod {

        units[] = {};

        weapons[] = {};

        requiredVersion = 0.1;

        requiredAddons[] = {"A3_Soft_F_MRAP_01","A3_Armor_F_Beta_APC_Wheeled_01","cup_trackedvehicles_m1_abrams.pbo"};





class cfgFactionClasses {

    class Reskin {

        displayName = "Reskin";

        priority = 1;

        side = 1;

        icon = "Custom_vehicles\data\LOGO_1";





class B_soldier_f;

class reskin: B_soldier_f {

    class Crewman //Idk random attempt

    author = "Funky";

    _generalmacro = "B_soldier_F";

    scope = 2;

    displayname = "Crewman"

    identitytypes[] = "head_NATO","G_NATO_default");

    genericnames = "NATOmen";

    fraction = "Reskin";

    model = 

    Uniformclass = 

    hiddenselections[] = {"camo","insignia"};

    hiddenselectionstextures[] =

    weapons[] = {"throw","put"};

    respawnweapons[] = {"throw","put"};

    magazines[] = 

    respawnmagazines[] =

    linkeditems[] = {"itemmap","itemcompass","itemwatch","itemradio","itemgps"};

    respawnlinkeditems[] = {"itemmap","itemcompass","itemwatch","itemradio","itemgps"};





class landvehicle;

class MRAP_01;

class APC_Wheeled_01;

class TANK_Tracked_01; //M1A1


Class APC_Wheeled_01


    crew = "";

    side = 1;

    fraction = 'Reskin';

    displayname = 'Boxer CRV';

    hiddenselections[] = {"camo1","camo2","camo3"};

    hiddenselectionstextures[] = {"Custom_vehicles\data\Mbase.jpeg","Custom_vehicles\data\Maddon.jpeg","Custom_vehicles\data\Mturret.jpeg"};

    class eventhandelers


        init = "(_this select 0) setvariable [""BIS_enablerandomization"", false];";




class MRAP_01


    crew = "";

    side = 1;

    fraction = 'Reskin';

    displayname = 'Hawkei';

    hiddenselections[] = {"camo1","camo2"};

    hiddenselectionstextures[] = {"Custom_vehicles\data\hbase.jpeg","Custom_vehicles\data\haddon.jpeg"};

    class eventhandelers


        init = "(_this select 0) setvariable [""BIS_enablerandomization"", false];";



Class TANK_Tracked_01


    crew = "";

    side = 1;

    fraction = 'Reskin';

    displayname = 'M1A1';

    hiddenselections[] = {"camo1","camo2","camo3","camo4"};

    hiddenselectionstextures[] = {};

    class eventhandelers


        init = "(_this select 0) setvariable [""BIS_enablerandomization"", false];";




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I’m looking at your post on an iPad which doesn’t play well configured layout, but I think you may need to think about the following;


First, here’s a great example of a config http://www.armaholic.com/forums.php?m=posts&q=31238 you may have to expand it by clicking on the black config.cpp box.


Also, you need to be distinctive with your naming. Instead of reskin call your faction aus_army_reskin. Will make life much easier.


Finally, when creating a new vehicle you need the following format;

class mynewvehicle: oldvehicle 


I couldn’t see that in your above but don’t have the best view.


Aside from help on here, I learned from taking part other configs and working out what they were trying to do.


Good luck!

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