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Hi all!


I am currently looking at the old classic camera script - the one that uses the Buldozer controls. 


I've been using it to capture footage of multiplayer gameplay, but unfortunately none of the spoken audio in radio mods is audible, since the player physically remains at their location when calling the camera.sqs script.


I would like to edit the script so that it attaches the player to the camera so that as the camera moves around, the player can continue to hear whatever other players are nearby. This would be great for video production. 




For now I am using _this attachTo ["_camera", [0,0,0]];; on line 43 in the script fn_cameraOld.sqf. When calling the script, the camera opens like normal but the player does not move with the camera. Perhaps I am using the wrong objects or strings. Does anybody have any knowledge of that? Hoping Moricky might have knowledge of this. If anyone else does, please give me a shout! This could be an opportunity to make some cool videos. 


Thanks all for taking the time to help a novice at scripting, and have a very nice day.





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You can make a loop that attach the player to the camera. It's bad coding but for now that do the trick.

fn_cameraOld = {

	//--- Classic camera script, enhanced by Karel Moricky, 2010/03/19

	if (!isNil "BIS_DEBUG_CAM") exitwith {};

	//--- Is FLIR available
	if (isnil "BIS_DEBUG_CAM_ISFLIR") then {
		BIS_DEBUG_CAM_ISFLIR = isclass (configfile >> "cfgpatches" >> "A3_Data_F");

	BIS_DEBUG_CAM_COLOR = ppEffectCreate ["colorCorrections", 1600];
	if (isnil "BIS_DEBUG_CAM_PPEFFECTS") then {
			[1, 1, -0.01, [1.0, 0.6, 0.0, 0.005], [1.0, 0.96, 0.66, 0.55], [0.95, 0.95, 0.95, 0.0]],
			[1, 1.02, -0.005, [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1, 0.8, 0.6, 0.65],  [0.199, 0.587, 0.114, 0.0]],
			[1, 1.15, 0, [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.5, 0.8, 1, 0.5],  [0.199, 0.587, 0.114, 0.0]],
			[1, 1.06, -0.01, [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.44, 0.26, 0.078, 0],  [0.199, 0.587, 0.114, 0.0]]

	//--- Undefined
	if (typename _this != typename objnull) then {_this = cameraon};

	setacctime (acctime max (1 / 128)); //--- Camera cannot run when acctime is 0

	private ["_ppos", "_pX", "_pY"];
	_ppos = getPosATL _this;
	_pX = _ppos select 0;
	_pY = _ppos select 1;
	_pZ = _ppos select 2;

	_pHeight = getTerrainHeightASL [_pX, _pY];
	if (_pHeight < 0) then {_pZ = _pZ + _pHeight};

	private ["_local"];
	_local = "camera" camCreate [_pX, _pY, _pZ + 2];
	BIS_DEBUG_CAM = _local;
	_local camCommand "MANUAL ON";
	_local camCommand "INERTIA OFF";
	_local cameraEffect ["INTERNAL", "BACK"];

	[_this, _local] spawn {
		params ["_player", "_camera"];

		while {!isNull _camera} do {

			_player attachTo [_camera, [0,0,1]];
			sleep 0.1;

	showCinemaBorder false;
	BIS_DEBUG_CAM setDir direction (vehicle player);

	//--- Marker
	BIS_DEBUG_CAM_MARKER = createmarkerlocal ["BIS_DEBUG_CAM_MARKER",_ppos];
	BIS_DEBUG_CAM_MARKER setmarkertypelocal "mil_start";
	BIS_DEBUG_CAM_MARKER setmarkercolorlocal "colorpink";
	BIS_DEBUG_CAM_MARKER setmarkersizelocal [.75,.75];
	BIS_DEBUG_CAM_MARKER setmarkertextlocal "BIS_DEBUG_CAM";

	//--- Key Down
	_keyDown = (finddisplay 46) displayaddeventhandler ["keydown","
		_key = _this select 1;
		_ctrl = _this select 3;

		if (_key in (actionkeys 'nightvision')) then {
			if (BIS_DEBUG_CAM_ISFLIR) then {
						_vision = BIS_DEBUG_CAM_VISION % 4;
				switch (_vision) do {
					case 0: {
						camusenvg false;
						call compile 'false SetCamUseTi 0';
					case 1: {
						camusenvg true;
						call compile 'false SetCamUseTi 0';
					case 2: {
						camusenvg false;
						call compile 'true SetCamUseTi 0';
					case 3: {
						camusenvg false;
						call compile 'true SetCamUseTi 1';
			} else {
				_vision = BIS_DEBUG_CAM_VISION % 2;
				switch (_vision) do {
					case 0: {
						camusenvg false;
					case 1: {
						camusenvg true;

		if (_key in (actionkeys 'showmap')) then {
			if (BIS_DEBUG_CAM_MAP) then {
				openmap [false,false];
				BIS_DEBUG_CAM_MAP = false;
			} else {
				openmap [true,true];
				BIS_DEBUG_CAM_MAP = true;
				BIS_DEBUG_CAM_MARKER setmarkerposlocal position BIS_DEBUG_CAM;
				BIS_DEBUG_CAM_MARKER setmarkerdirlocal direction BIS_DEBUG_CAM;
				mapanimadd [0,0.1,position BIS_DEBUG_CAM];

		if (_key == 55) then {
			_worldpos = screentoworld [.5,.5];
			if (_ctrl) then {
				vehicle player setpos _worldpos;
			} else {
				copytoclipboard str _worldpos;
		if (_key == 83 && !isnil 'BIS_DEBUG_CAM_LASTPOS') then {

		if (_key == 41) then {
			BIS_DEBUG_CAM_COLOR ppeffectenable false;
		if (_key >= 2 && _key <= 11) then {
			_id = _key - 2;
			if (_id < count BIS_DEBUG_CAM_PPEFFECTS) then {
				BIS_DEBUG_CAM_COLOR ppEffectAdjust (BIS_DEBUG_CAM_PPEFFECTS select _id);
				BIS_DEBUG_CAM_COLOR ppEffectCommit 0;
				BIS_DEBUG_CAM_COLOR ppeffectenable true;

	//--- Mouse wheel moving
	_mousezchanged = (finddisplay 46) displayaddeventhandler ["mousezchanged","
		_n = _this select 1;
		if (_n > 0 && BIS_DEBUG_CAM_FOCUS < 0) then {BIS_DEBUG_CAM_FOCUS = 0};
		BIS_DEBUG_CAM camcommand 'manual off';
		BIS_DEBUG_CAM campreparefocus [BIS_DEBUG_CAM_FOCUS,1];
		BIS_DEBUG_CAM camcommitprepared 0;
		BIS_DEBUG_CAM camcommand 'manual on';

	_map_mousebuttonclick = ((finddisplay 12) displayctrl 51) ctrladdeventhandler ["mousebuttonclick","
		_button = _this select 1;
		_ctrl = _this select 5;
		if (_button == 0) then {
			_x = _this select 2;
			_y = _this select 3;
			_worldpos = (_this select 0) posscreentoworld [_x,_y];
			if (_ctrl) then {
				_veh = vehicle player;
				_veh setpos [_worldpos select 0,_worldpos select 1,position _veh select 2];
			} else {
				BIS_DEBUG_CAM setpos [_worldpos select 0,_worldpos select 1,position BIS_DEBUG_CAM select 2];
				BIS_DEBUG_CAM_MARKER setmarkerposlocal _worldpos;

	//Wait until destroy is forced or camera auto-destroyed.
	[_local,_keyDown,_mousezchanged,_map_mousebuttonclick] spawn {
		private ["_local","_keyDown","_mousezchanged","_map_mousebuttonclick","_lastpos"];

		_local = _this select 0;
		_keyDown = _this select 1;
		_mousezchanged = _this select 2;
		_map_mousebuttonclick = _this select 3;

		waituntil {
			if (!isnull BIS_DEBUG_CAM) then {_lastpos = position BIS_DEBUG_CAM};

		player cameraEffect ["TERMINATE", "BACK"];
		deletemarkerlocal BIS_DEBUG_CAM_MARKER;
		BIS_DEBUG_CAM = nil;
		camDestroy _local;

		ppeffectdestroy BIS_DEBUG_CAM_COLOR;
		(finddisplay 46) displayremoveeventhandler ["keydown",_keyDown];
		(finddisplay 46) displayremoveeventhandler ["mousezchanged",_mousezchanged];
		((finddisplay 12) displayctrl 51) ctrlremoveeventhandler ["mousebuttonclick",_map_mousebuttonclick];




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Hey Crazy Man! Thanks for whipping this up for me. I think this could perhaps be compared to the way the Game Master module follows the camera around - hopefully not too hard on performance - we'll have to test it out!

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