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[SOLVED with EXAMPLE] addCargoGlobal to a spawned ammo box, from a predefined array.

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Hi. I need help with adding items to an ammo box. My aim here is to spawn a copy of an already existing ammo box. For the ultimate purposes of creating a custom ammo drop script that is called from the crates init field. In the supply drop support module. Here is my script, so you can see what I am doing:

ammo box placed in the editor named customCrate_1. addAction ["Spawn Copy Crate", "SCC.sqf"];


_newBP = getBackpackCargo customCrate_1;
_newItem = getItemCargo customCrate_1;
_newMag = getMagazineCargo customCrate_1;
_newWep = getWeaponCargo customCrate_1;

_box ="B_SupplyCrate_F" createVehicle position Player;

clearBackpackCargoGlobal _box;
clearItemCargoGlobal _box;
clearMagazineCargoGlobal _box;
clearWeaponCargoGlobal _box;

_box addBackpackCargoGlobal _newBP;
_box addItemCargoGlobal _newItem;
_box addMagazineCargoGlobal _newMag;
_box addWeaponCargoGlobal _newWep;

No errors in the editor or the logs, but there's no cargo being added to the new box. I tried getting as fancy as I could by trying to call specific variables from the predefined array. Example,

_box addBackpackCargoGlobal [(_newBP select 1),(_newBP select 2)];

again, no errors and no cargo.

I usually follow my trail of tears errors through the logs to find a solution but the trail went cold for me. Would someone please point out my errors so that I can learn. Thank you.

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2 hours ago, Twiznak said:

_box addBackpackCargoGlobal _newBP;

Well.. Thats a syntax error. Check the wiki




Here's how I do it: https://github.com/WolfCorps/WolfLogistics/tree/master/addons/main/functions

But that doesn't handle backpacks, but backpacks are just boxes too, so you just need to recurse into https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/everyBackpack

  • Thanks 1

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11 hours ago, Dedmen said:

Well.. Thats a syntax error. Check the wiki




Here's how I do it: https://github.com/WolfCorps/WolfLogistics/tree/master/addons/main/functions

But that doesn't handle backpacks, but backpacks are just boxes too, so you just need to recurse into https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/everyBackpack

Dedmen, Thank you for the functions! I am copy/pasting to notepad++ and getting to work right now!  When I figure it out, I will comeback here and post my working model so that future arma scripters can use it as a resource......Key word there is when 🙂 thank you Dedmen!.

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On 5/22/2020 at 1:39 AM, Dedmen said:

Here's how I do it: https://github.com/WolfCorps/WolfLogistics/tree/master/addons/main/functions

But that doesn't handle backpacks, but backpacks are just boxes too, so you just need to recurse into https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/everyBackpack

THANK. YOU. Dedmen!

I have a working solution to share with everyone. this script will spawn a copy of an ammo crate with ALL weapons(including all attachments), armor, uniforms, backpacks, magazines, and items. However, it will not transfer items in the inventories of vests and backpacks. They will need to be emptied.

Mission: Spawn a copy of a crate.

In the editor:

Place down a supply crate, name it "CustomCrate_1" and clear its inventory.

In CustomCrate_1's init field, add the following 

this addAction ["Spawn a Copy Crate", "spawnCopyCrate.sqf"];

Copy & Paste the following into NotePad++. Save the file as spawnCopyCrate.sqf and add the file into your mission file.

params ["_target", "_presetName", "_presetDescription"];
_target = customCrate_1;

private _presetContents = [];
private _presetBackpackContents = [];
private _newPreset = [_presetName, _presetDescription, _presetContents, _presetBackpackContents];

private _weapons = [];

    _presetContents pushBack _X;
} forEach weaponsItemsCargo _target;

private _magazineCargo = getMagazineCargo _target;

    _presetContents pushBack [_x, (_magazineCargo select 1) select _forEachIndex];
} forEach (_magazineCargo select 0);

private _itemCargo = getItemCargo _target;

    _presetContents pushBack [_x, (_itemCargo select 1) select _forEachIndex];
} forEach (_itemCargo select 0);

private _bagCargo = getBackpackCargo _target;

    _presetBackpackContents pushBack [_x, (_bagCargo select 1) select _forEachIndex];
} forEach (_bagCargo select 0);

_box = "B_SupplyCrate_F" createVehicle position Player;
clearWeaponCargoGlobal _box;
clearItemCargoGlobal _box;
clearMagazineCargoGlobal _box;
clearBackpackCargoGlobal _box;

params ["_target", "_preset"];
_target = _box;
_preset params ["_presetName","_presetDescription","_presetContents", "_presetBackpackContents"];

   if (count _x > 2) then { //Weapon
        _target addWeaponWithAttachmentsCargoGlobal [_x, 1];
    } else { //Item
        _x params ["_class", "_count"];
        _target addItemCargoGlobal [_class, _count];
} forEach _presetContents;

_x params ["_class", "_count"];
	_target addBackpackCargoGlobal [_class, _count];	
} forEach _presetBackpackContents;

This script can also be called from a virtual supply drop support module. Replacing the default contents of the ammo crate with the contents of CustomCrate_1. Here is how:

In the virtual supply drop support module, add the following into the Crate init field

_this execVM "spawnCopyCrate.sqf";

In spawnCopyCrate.sqf, delete the the following line

_box = "B_SupplyCrate_F" createVehicle position Player;

and change all 5 remaining instances of "_box" to "_this".

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10 hours ago, Dedmen said:

My avatar explains everything about this 🙂 I had removed the if () then{}; control structure while I was trying to get the backpacks to transfer and forgot to add it back in. Oops! Thank you again Dedmen. I have up'd the ante and modified PierreMGI's vehicle drop script to add the copied ammo crate contents to air dropped vehicles. SUPER useful script. Thank you man. 

  • Haha 1

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