I am making a campaign that has a central menu as a standalone mission. This menu contains lore and other information which I want to keep separate from the actual missions themselves. However, I would like this menu to also have the ability to load other missions within the campaign.   I am aware of two existing commands which could be used, but I am unsure on how to proceed with them exactly. These are https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/playMission and https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/playScriptedMission.   playMission seems to do nothing, while playScriptedMission works, but I need help figuring out how to point it towards a specific mission rather than creating a dynamic one (if at all possible).       These images are from the menu I implemented in-game. Ideally, you would select the mission from the listbox on the left and press the "play mission" button to start it. Some function would then take the selected item from the listbox, match it to its respective mission path and use it with one of the aforementioned commands to launch the mission.   Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.