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Need help troubleshooting "removeCuratorEditableObjects" script for zeus.

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So my goal is to make zeus blind from Blue players and i have med som progress. However it seems for some reason when i run my script to remove Blue players, the game adds them again.

while {true} do {
    sleep 10;
        if !((side _x) == east) then {
						ZM1 removeCuratorEditableObjects [[_x],true];
    } foreach allUnits + vehicles;

I am looking for any suggestions to how i can fix this. Thanks!

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You are looping and adding objects one-by-one even though the command takes an array and you could just pass an array..


while {true} do {
    sleep 10;
    ZM1 removeCuratorEditableObjects [(allUnits + vehicles) select {side _x != east},true];


If some other script re-adds them, you have to find that script and make it stop that.

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