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Matthew Aiken

New update daily challenges

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soooo can’t help but notice that for last few days ALL of my daily challenges have been weapon specific kill outlander challenges with even questionable rewards. Now granted some are Intriguing like 5 kills for 150 wire. But some are a mere 50 food for 10 kills and some are kill 10 with say a pa md assault rifle for 5 crowns. Crown challenges for now seem to have gone further into hiding as has any hope for a high level crate other than “kill a threat”. I like the 150 wires one for 5 kills imo worthwhile but many of these weapon specific challanges just don’t stack up. Opinions folks?

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Same for me today. Can't recall the actual weapons I needed to use, but I had three challenges and all required me to kill 15 outlanders. In total 45 outlanders for 2 common and 1 gold crate. Based on my kill rate it would take me around 6 months as I have always elected to adopt a stealthy approach.

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Same here. The few games I have played lately I have noticed there are a LOT of special issue weapons in the safe and buried cache.

I'm all for more loot but I think too many weapons flood the market and devalue them...

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I wouldn’t necessarily get rid of a gold crate challenge like that even though my own kD and subsequently my survival rate reflects and loot and run tactic I’d certianly stick it out for gold. Mine were of course 5-10-15 kills for literal junk rewards. No issues with gold weapons in dig and safe as that’s what’s needed to make it more appealing and rewarding. Avoiding major interest points to find an adr or something in the cache would be cool. But yes these Challenges at least so far seem to be even more throttling than before, time will tell anyway.    

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Just game now unplayable. Even if you try missions for me did not counting the kills so I'm done.. just bad

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