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Dedicated Server Paradrop Help

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Hello All,


I am trying to create a mission where many players are going to parachute into an AO and I need them to be able to keep their backpacks. I understand that there are mods for this but I didn't want to force people to download new mods for one mission. 

Anyway, I attempted to utilize beerkan's paradrop.sqf script and cannot get it to work either on my PC in Eden nor when I put it on the dedicated server. 

If anyone can help me figure out a way for my players to jump out of a helo with their normal backpack and parachute using a steerable chute and then have their backpack again once they hit the ground, I will be seriously in your debt. 

I have 3 groups of rangers, including a platoon leader and a JTac player who will all be affected - roughly 34 people across 3 groups. 



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I can't remember who is the originator of this script but I have used it on many dedi missions without issue.  I had to tweak it a bit but it works like a charm.


// add to init line of object to be used for HALO
// this addAction["Halo Insertion", "Scripts\HaloJump.sqf"];

//below should be in it's own sqf file HaloJump.sqf

_unit = _this select 1;

hint "Click on map to perform a Halo Insertion";
openMap true;
clicked = 0;
onMapSingleClick "player setpos [_pos select 0, _pos select 1, 2000]; clicked = 1; openMap false;; openmap false;onMapSingleClick ''; true;";
waitUntil {clicked == 1};

_backpackItems = backpackItems _unit;
{_unit removeItemFromBackpack _x} forEach _backpackItems;
_currentBackpack = backpack _unit;
removeBackpack _unit;
_unit addBackpack "B_Parachute";

_txt = format["%1 is jumping into the fray.",_unit];
_txt remoteExec ["systemChat"];

waitUntil {(isTouchingGround _unit)};
if (isNil _currentBackpack) then {		// These three lines check to see if the unit had a backpack or not at the beginning of the jump
	removeBackpack _unit;   		// If they had a backpack it is restored in the code below these 3 lines
};					// If they had no backpack then these 3 lines remove the parachute so you are back to no backpack
removeBackpack _unit;
_unit addBackpack _currentBackpack;
_newBackpackItems = backpackItems _unit;
{_unit removeItemFromBackpack _x} forEach _newBackpackItems;
{_unit addItemToBackpack _x} forEach _backpackItems;
sleep 2;

	if (!isPlayer _x) then {
		_x setPos (getPos _unit);
} forEach units group _unit;


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