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Leium Sanchez

Re texturing Config problems

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So im new to the retextureing scene and ive ran into a slight problem with my config.cpp. It comes up with an error saying im missing a "}" on a certain line but i most certainly am not. I spent like 3 hours trying to figure it out and i simply cannot. Here is the error and my config file.







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You were actually missing a closing brace and semi-colon on Line 94 (for class bailbonds :  Uniform_Base), the error occurred at the end of the config because the compiler adjusted to use all the other braces available, leaving you one short at the end. Fixed below:



class CfgPatches
    class LS_Uniforms
        units[] = {};
        weapons[] = {};
        requiredVersion = 0.1;
        requiredAddons[] = {"A3_Characters_F_BLUFOR"};
class CfgFactionClasses
    class bailbonds_f
        displayName = "Custom Uniforms";
        icon = "\LS_Uniforms\data\icon.paa"
        priority = 2;
        side = 1; // Blufor
class CfgVehicleClasses
    class bail_unarmed
        displayName = "Bail Bonds"; // Rename to what you want the sub group of the faction will be. You can have multiple subfactions (VehicleClasses) as long as the class name of the VehicleClass is different. Makes it work with zeus
class CfgVehicles
    class b_survivor_F;
    class b_Competitor_F;
    class bailbonds_agent : b_survivor_F
        _generalMacro = "b_survivor_F"; //unsure what this does
        scope = 2;
        displayName = "Bail Bonds Agent";
        faction = bailbonds_f;
        nakedUniform = "U_BasicBody"; //class for "naked" body
        uniformClass = "bailbonds"; //the uniform item
        hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo"};
        hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"LS_Uniforms\data\bailbonds.paa"};
        Items[] = {FirstAidKit}; /// one First aid kit is good to start with
        RespawnItems[] = {FirstAidKit};
        linkedItems[] = {bailbonds_vest, ItemMap, ItemCompass, ItemWatch, ItemRadio}; /// items directly in inventory slots
        respawnLinkedItems[] = {bailbonds_vest, ItemMap, ItemCompass, ItemWatch, ItemRadio};
    class LS_Police_Officer : B_Competitor_F {
        _generalMacro = "b_Competitor_F"; //unsure what this does
        scope = 2;
        displayName = "Police Officer";
        faction = bailbonds_f;
        nakedUniform = "U_BasicBody"; //class for "naked" body
        uniformClass = "LS_Police"; //the uniform item
        hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo"};
        hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"LS_Uniforms\data\police_uniform.paa"};
        Items[] = {FirstAidKit}; /// one First aid kit is good to start with
        RespawnItems[] = {FirstAidKit};
        linkedItems[] = {police_vest, ItemMap, ItemCompass, ItemWatch, ItemRadio}; /// items directly in inventory slots
        respawnLinkedItems[] = {police_vest, ItemMap, ItemCompass, ItemWatch, ItemRadio};
class cfgWeapons
    class Uniform_Base;
    class UniformItem;
    class V_TacVest_khk;
    class VestItem;
	//         Bailbonds Uniform              //
	class bailbonds : Uniform_Base
		scope = 2;
		displayName = "Bail Bonds Uniform";
		picture = "\A3\characters_f\data\ui\icon_U_B_CombatUniform_mcam_ca.paa";
		model = "\A3\characters_f\BLUFOR\b_soldier_01";
		class ItemInfo : UniformItem
			uniformModel = "-";
			uniformClass = "bailbonds_agent"; //would be same as our made soldier class
			containerClass = "Supply20"; //how much it can carry
			mass = 80; //how much it weights
	}; //MISSING   
	//            Police Uniforms             //
	class LS_Police : Uniform_Base
		scope = 2;
		displayName = "Police Uniform";
		picture = "\A3\characters_f\data\ui\icon_U_B_CombatUniform_mcam_ca.paa";
		model = "\A3\Characters_F\Common\Suitpacks\suitpack_blufor_diver";
		class ItemInfo : UniformItem
			uniformModel = "-";
			uniformClass = "LS_Police_Officer";
			containerClass = "Supply20";
			mass = 80;
	//            Bailbonds Vest              //
	class bailbonds_vest : V_TacVest_khk
		scope = 2;
		displayName = "Bail Bonds Vest";
		picture = "\A3\characters_f\Data\UI\icon_V_plate_carrier_2_blk_CA.paa";
		model = "\A3\characters_f\BLUFOR\equip_b_vest01";
		hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"};
		hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"LS_Uniforms\data\bailbonds_vest.paa"};
		class ItemInfo : VestItem
			uniformModel = "\A3\characters_f\BLUFOR\equip_b_vest02";
			containerClass = "Supply100";
			mass = 50;
			armor = 5*0.5;
			passThrough = 0.7;
			hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"};
	//            Police Vests                //
	class police_vest : V_TacVest_khk
		scope = 2;
		displayName = "Police Vest";
		picture = "\A3\characters_f\Data\UI\icon_V_plate_carrier_2_blk_CA.paa";
		model = "\A3\characters_f\BLUFOR\equip_b_vest01";
		hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"};
		hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"LS_Uniforms\data\police_vest.paa"};
		class ItemInfo : VestItem
			uniformModel = "\A3\characters_f\BLUFOR\equip_b_vest02";
			containerClass = "Supply100";
			mass = 50;
			armor = 5*0.5;
			passThrough = 0.7;
			hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"};



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