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doc. caliban

Event Handler 101 - Parameters?

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Going nuts with the lack of clear documentation on this.


The EH fires when a player fires a weapon.  It works fine.


The EH has several parameters, one of which is the ammo type.


Q: Does the EH fire every time a player fires and returns all the parameters as variables that I can then use in the code block?


Q: Do I set one of the parameters to the ammo class name that I want and the EH only fires if the player fires using the specific ammo class?


So basically I have no idea if the parameters are generated by the EH or if they are things I define for the EH to use to determine if it fires or not.


I've wasted way too much time screwing around trying to work it out on my own.




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39 minutes ago, doc. caliban said:

Q: Does the EH fire every time a player fires and returns all the parameters as variables that I can then use in the code block?


Yes. You can then filter for relevant results.
The answer is there in the wording - an EH returns variables. If your second case were true, it would accept variables.

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