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Respawn on team member (simple)

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Let the record show that I realize I am reinventing the wheel/beating a dead horse. And *yet* I can't find a simple premade solution, so I have made my sloppy version, for which I am asking feedback on.

Aim: I would like a respawn script that allows me to respawn on a specific object, vehicle, or player (as per the BASE respawn type). 

Background: This feature is in the Zeus game mode. It is in Bohemia Interactives' Escape and Boot-camp COOP missions. But when I un-PBO'd those, I had a very difficult time digging out the specific respawn code.
Of course there are several scripts on team respawn in this forum that I have looked into. Some notable examples:

- Bangabob's Battlefield Respawn System (link: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?173436-Battlefield-Re-spawn-System-(BRS) ) The demo mission had my mouth gaping, but I couldn't get it to work in any of my multiplayer missions.
- BFD Respawn (link: http://www.armaholic.com/forums.php?m=posts&q=32699 ) Works great, but only on infantry teammates, and only ALL infantry teammates.

My attempt: Extremely simplistic and ugly, but then this is the second thing I have ever coded from scratch. I create a respawn position and delete the old one, every few seconds:

[] execVM "GroupSpawn.sqf";


sleep 10;

for "_i" from 0 to 1 step 0 do {
	Alpharespawn call BIS_fnc_removeRespawnPosition;
	Alpharespawn = [west, getpos RESPAWNUNIT, "Alpha"] call  BIS_fnc_addRespawnPosition;
	sleep 21;

Where RESPAWNUNIT is a variable name I give a vehicle or player in the Editor. By making copies of this script, and changing the variable names, you can nominate as many objects and players as wanted.

Problem: This code sort of works, but doesn't always remove the old positions. As the mission progresses, the RESPAWNUNIT will leave a trail of respawn locations behind it. 

So how do I make sure there's only 1 spawn point? Is this a question of multiplayer desynch (it is init.sqf after all)? Does it have to do with scheduled vs unscheduled execution? Am I going about this wrong entirely?

Thanks already for reading,

- MeM 

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On the unit's init you want able to respawn:

this addMPEventHandler ["MPRespawn", {
	params ["_unit", "_corpse"];



edit: not sure how this relates to description.ext respawn definition.

If "NONE" doesn't work maybe use "BASE" and create a respawn_SIDE marker anywhere on the map.


edit2: also might need to return a safePos on the EH since you're using a vehicle/unit.

Edited by RCA3

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I am probably not explaining my intentions very well. 

Here's a screenshot that illustrates what I am going for: 

If I understand your suggestion, the Event Handler would just assign a respawn position instantly, without any player input. 

There have got to be user missions with a selectable respawn position that follows players. Does anyone know an example on this forum?

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22 hours ago, Melody_Mike said:

I create a respawn position and delete the old one, every few seconds:

[] execVM "GroupSpawn.sqf";


sleep 10;

for "_i" from 0 to 1 step 0 do {
	Alpharespawn call BIS_fnc_removeRespawnPosition;
	Alpharespawn = [west, getpos RESPAWNUNIT, "Alpha"] call  BIS_fnc_addRespawnPosition;
	sleep 21;

Where RESPAWNUNIT is a variable name I give a vehicle or player in the Editor.

Don't add getPos to the RESPAWNUNIT, as that will add a specific position. Instead just use RESPAWNUNIT, then the position will be where ever that unit is. So no need to move it around.

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Thank you so very much. It would never have occurred to me that the BIS_fnc_addRespawnPosition function would take objects themselves as arguments(!).

Hopefully the next new Arma mission designer will find my forum post before asking!


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