I have an scripting problema. I have an RscCombobox in a dialog. It holds the string derived from an array obtained from allunitsUAV scripting command. I can see the different UAVs present in the map and I can select them, but….   I'm having problems referencing the UAV selected in the RscCombobox.  

_vehicleside = side PLAYER;

private _UAVarray = [];
    if (side _x == _vehicleside) then {
        _UAVarray pushBack _x;
} forEach allUnitsUAV;

hint format ["UAV(s) on the map: %1", str _UAVarray];

    lbAdd [25502, str (_x)];
    lbSetData [25502, _forEachIndex, _x];
} forEach _UAVarray ;

while {true} do
    _index = lbCurSel 25502;
    _uav = lbData [25502, _index];
    _selectedUAV = _UAVarray select _uav; //select UAV from UAVarray with the Index indicated by field selected in IDD 25502
};[/CODE] When putting hints  _selectedUAV doesn't return the UAV, but its index. What I want is to get the UAV from _UAVarray so I can get info like speed, altitude, etc...