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Iodine, arguable the most powerful consumable coming soon

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"Temporarily stops maximum health reduction caused by radiation" This is single-handedly the most powerful way to ensure that you'll get the crate.

If you can stop people from grabbing it it's only a matter of time till you effectively force the lobby to leave and you can come out fine. 

If you can spam these like portable signal detectors I have no doubt in my mind that you may be able to last 10, 20 maybe even 30 minutes after the radiation already would have killed everyone.

Portable signal detector spam will have a new king in town. And the broken consumable meta will force people to spend their paychecks on insurance just to be able to get crates anymore, just as bohemia always envisioned.



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This game is essentially dead in the water...

With nearly the whole world in lock down, it still takes 3 minutes to find a game...

Even this afternoon just running the snow version of Battery it was a 3m+ wait for a server.

Can you imagine people on a Nintendo Switch waiting that long for server? No. Neither could I.

People playing on a Switch want instant gaming, hence the premise of mobile gaming in a Switch.

Turn after turn this company has taken the decision to not listen to it's fan base do what it wants in the pursuit of the almighty dollar...

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I applaud your general enthusiasm for the game Arachnid. I was once like that, before BI gradually eroded my enthusiasm with a series of 'improvements' that actually made the game more like the other shooters out there.

However, and although iodine is a new and possibly the first actual improvement for a while. Everyone will be using it to Outlast other outlanders at the drop. Essentially BI are artificially bringing game time back towards what it was before they ruined it with the quicker radiation. But to do this they are asking outlanders to stump up 10200 materials! Not a lot for veterans, but quite a lot for new players who haven't made much shelter progress.

I look forward to seeing how it works. It has the potential to perk my interest once they bring back map select.



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4 hours ago, Oldninja said:

I applaud your general enthusiasm for the game Arachnid. I was once like that, before BI gradually eroded my enthusiasm with a series of 'improvements' that actually made the game more like the other shooters out there.

However, and although iodine is a new and possibly the first actual improvement for a while. Everyone will be using it to Outlast other outlanders at the drop. Essentially BI are artificially bringing game time back towards what it was before they ruined it with the quicker radiation. But to do this they are asking outlanders to stump up 10200 materials! Not a lot for veterans, but quite a lot for new players who haven't made much shelter progress.

I look forward to seeing how it works. It has the potential to perk my interest once they bring back map select.



It's a really nice consumable but it'll be meta just like portable signal detectors. I expect to see these packed into people's inventories.

Exit camping and crate camping will be stronger then ever but it is what it is I guess.

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Are people actually been having an issue with personal signal detector spam? I understand the possibility of it but not once I have seen it or felt to be a victim of this. It is a bit premature to be up in arms about an issue that hasn't even been released yet with the iodine. Honestly it seems like a cool mechanic to me and no way do I feel it is game breaking. Certainly if there is a standoff for the care pack, the guy with iodine has the advantage but shouldn't you if you spend the resources to bring it? That's the point of bringing consumables. 


By no means to I feel the devs are flawless and some of the updates are hit and miss. I mean, why cant they find a nice middle ground for what we get from challenges and crates? I even had one challenge change from granting 160 gold for doing 3 boosts, to a granting a purple crate after I had already bought a boost. i would have never done that for a purple crate and would've immediately removed the challenge had it been that way from the beginning. It swings from worthless to amazing from update to update. Just give us the middle ground. 


The number one thing I saw complained about was teaming in solos. And guess what.. when the devs actually fixed the issue by removing map selection, people starting complaining about that! I mean how else do you recommend solving the issue? If you stand next to someone for too long without shooting you both die? I mean come on folks. Maybe I am callous because I rarely used map selection and cued random anyway. 


I'm at 141 shelter improvements and just started playing with a buddy who is fresh. one thing he said after playing a bit is "I am surprised i am not getting rocked by people who have been playing it forever." People complain about "Oh, think about the new players!". The way the game plays, for as many improvements and fancy guns and fancy consumables you can bring, one head shot and you're dead. That is the great equalizer of this game. Also the point of the game isn't purely killing! Its about surviving. Run, hide, or fight. There are a number of ways to go about this game if you feel outmatched. 



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51 minutes ago, Qubest said:

Are people actually been having an issue with personal signal detector spam? I understand the possibility of it but not once I have seen it or felt to be a victim of this. It is a bit premature to be up in arms about an issue that hasn't even been released yet with the iodine. Honestly it seems like a cool mechanic to me and no way do I feel it is game breaking. Certainly if there is a standoff for the care pack, the guy with iodine has the advantage but shouldn't you if you spend the resources to bring it? That's the point of bringing consumables. 


By no means to I feel the devs are flawless and some of the updates are hit and miss. I mean, why cant they find a nice middle ground for what we get from challenges and crates? I even had one challenge change from granting 160 gold for doing 3 boosts, to a granting a purple crate after I had already bought a boost. i would have never done that for a purple crate and would've immediately removed the challenge had it been that way from the beginning. It swings from worthless to amazing from update to update. Just give us the middle ground. 


The number one thing I saw complained about was teaming in solos. And guess what.. when the devs actually fixed the issue by removing map selection, people starting complaining about that! I mean how else do you recommend solving the issue? If you stand next to someone for too long without shooting you both die? I mean come on folks. Maybe I am callous because I rarely used map selection and cued random anyway. 


I'm at 141 shelter improvements and just started playing with a buddy who is fresh. one thing he said after playing a bit is "I am surprised i am not getting rocked by people who have been playing it forever." People complain about "Oh, think about the new players!". The way the game plays, for as many improvements and fancy guns and fancy consumables you can bring, one head shot and you're dead. That is the great equalizer of this game. Also the point of the game is purely killing! Its about surviving. Run, hide, or fight. There are a number of ways to go about this game if you feel outmatched. 



"Are people actually been having an issue with personal signal detector spam?... It is a bit premature to be up in arms about an issue that hasn't even been released yet with the iodine."

I'd say about 75% of games where the crates get bumped above blue people bring in inventories full of these detectors with a P90 of course. 
You can beat them yeah, but they always know your exact position from the portable detectors so if you try to move they can pick you off across the map with their P90.
Just because you haven't run into this problem yet does not mean it will not become meta, the fact that it has become relevant as an issue over the course of my games within the same season they were released means it's getting popular very fast. 

A clear advantage is not something that people take lightly. The fact that I've seen several people with inventories full of these portable detectors means that there are people willing to spend crowns every game for insurance to have a massively unfair advantage. Even if it costs a portion of their paycheque every week. 

"the guy with iodine has the advantage but shouldn't you if you spend the resources to bring it? That's the point of bringing consumables."

Also people get these detectors in masses from their buddies by inventory sharing, so literally all it costs is the insurance. 
The increases in chances one has at getting the crate when having an inventory full of both portables and iodine is pretty high.
Just think about it, you know the exact position of anyone who approaches you or who you're after and as soon as the radiation starts to come in anyone who's not spamming iodine with you will either have to try to grab the crate and get shot by you or leave and lose the crate anyways. 

"The number one thing I saw complained about was teaming in solos. And guess what.. when the devs actually fixed the issue by removing map selection, people starting complaining about that! I mean how else do you recommend solving the issue? If you stand next to someone for too long without shooting you both die? I mean come on folks. Maybe I am callous because I rarely used map selection and cued random anyway."

No, they did not fix this issue at all I still see teaming happen quite a lot.
The best way to fix this without removing options for the player is for the matchmaking to restrict looking for people who are friends/recent players with anyone in the game. 
You can still play with friends/recent players if they're on your team but otherwise it'll search for other people automatically. 
But teaming also happens once everyone's in the lobby too, that is a step that blocking party chat can stop. 
If they make game chat a forced-feature like some xbox 360 games that'd effectively kill off teaming.
That way you can only communicate with the one in your duo

The reason the devs removed map select was not to get rid of teaming as again it did barely anything about it. 
It's because some maps are too easy to play and the devs didn't like that so they removed player choice so that you have less chance of getting barred/crate.
The other reason they said was to improve queue times which is bs because the quick play feature was always there. 

And besides last time I checked the poll it was almost 10/0 so if 95% of people want map select back then it's a very bad idea for the devs to keep it removed. But they will because they don't care, they get their moneys worth from people who buy insurance every game. 

"The way the game plays, for as many improvements and fancy guns and fancy consumables you can bring, one head shot and you're dead. That is the great equalizer of this game. Also the point of the game is purely killing! Its about surviving. Run, hide, or fight. There are a number of ways to go about this game if you feel outmatched."

Actually if you want to talk about headshots last time I checked the PM pistol, the thompson and a few other guns according to the dummies are NOT a one shot headshot.
So not only do some weapons fail at doing this but the P90 is so much better than all other guns it's just not worth comparing any of them. 
I can beat people with P90s yeah but their gun is perfectly accurate and can cross-map people, I've used it many times so I know. 

As for "run, hide, or fight" run will soon be out of the question as the caffeine consumable will let you catch up to anyone who may try to run from you. 
Hiding is out of the question because portable detectors know your exact position at all times. 
And fighting as you know is unrivaled by the most accurate gun in the game, the P90 

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i agree with all your points there....

but not to play devils advocate there is a solution if u feel portables are affecting your game...

they already put fake transmitters in the game so if you feel you are being victim to this theres no reason why you cant use a transmitter to give a false signal and ambush the guy going to your signal?


sure u have to carry the transmitters but they are carrying the portables...

this is one situation where there is already a built in counter to the issue you say has been affecting your game


im more sick of people that just go sit and camp signals or bard... or even coms when they are no where near anything of any substance but guys know they cant get across the map and get out so they just sit and camp and hope they have time to get something from the guy that actually looted and get out but be lucky enough for someone to walk into their ambush


i guess my own theory above can be shot through on this one cause maybe i should carry more portables with me and spam them everytime i go near anything too lol...


but im level 50 and i constantly have issues with materials even making meds never mind ammo and guns... and if i were to have to start spam making portables and transmitters and iodine i dont know how i could even bother....   theres items in the game that can make this game fun but the currency needed (materials) seems hard to come by...   i hvae to deconstruct stuff constantly to make stuff

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I'm not sure what your primary point is?

I simply go in naked. There are locations on all maps where you can pick up weapons.

If it's bring back map select - yes

If it's bring back slower radiation - yes

If it's get rid of cosmetic items, fake glint, personal signal locator etc etc - yes

If it's improve loot - yes

If it's slow movement speed - yes

If it's improve the chances of achieving the pathetic Battle Pass - yes


If I've missed anything please add.


Yes, I'm a founder and love the game for what it was, not what it's evolved into.

My opinion and after what I've invested in the game, I'm entitled to it.


And yes. I've enjoyed imbibing a quantity of chilled Sauvignon Blanc prior to writing this.

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@ArachnidOverlord I honestly feel that the issues you are mentioning with personal signal detectors/insurance/spamming things is only related to a very very small percentage of the player base. I'm by no means a Vigor expert but I have been playing quite a bit since December and never seen it. Out of the 30 or so games I played over this weekend, not once. Over the hundreds of games since the new season, not once. Again I am not saying what you are worried about isn't happening, I just think the amount of folks who do what you are describing are few and far between. The amount of in game resources and real money needed to execute what you are talking about is immense, and honestly if they want to do it, go for it. Their excessiveness is funding me playing a game i didn't pay for. Hope they have fun. Being concerned about this becoming "meta" is exaggerated. I hope you don't play tabletop 40k for the sake of your gaming community. 


@Oldninja- Cheers! Slower radiation better challenge rewards are my main request. I don't mind the gear and cosmetics. 


@Bossshawk - You know what would help you from getting camped at signal detectors and the barred house? Personal signal detectors  ; )  I agree though, it can be frustrating. 

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1 hour ago, Bossshawk said:

i agree with all your points there....

but not to play devils advocate there is a solution if u feel portables are affecting your game...

they already put fake transmitters in the game so if you feel you are being victim to this theres no reason why you cant use a transmitter to give a false signal and ambush the guy going to your signal?


sure u have to carry the transmitters but they are carrying the portables...

this is one situation where there is already a built in counter to the issue you say has been affecting your game


im more sick of people that just go sit and camp signals or bard... or even coms when they are no where near anything of any substance but guys know they cant get across the map and get out so they just sit and camp and hope they have time to get something from the guy that actually looted and get out but be lucky enough for someone to walk into their ambush


i guess my own theory above can be shot through on this one cause maybe i should carry more portables with me and spam them everytime i go near anything too lol...


but im level 50 and i constantly have issues with materials even making meds never mind ammo and guns... and if i were to have to start spam making portables and transmitters and iodine i dont know how i could even bother....   theres items in the game that can make this game fun but the currency needed (materials) seems hard to come by...   i hvae to deconstruct stuff constantly to make stuff

Transmitters are stationary so you have to set up a position in exactly where you intend to stay, so looting may be out of the question. 
This also means if you're going for crate you need to know the airdrop location which can put you in harms way. 
You also need to know exactly what direction (north,south,east,west) that the hunter is in, assuming they're alone.
If they're not alone one can flank your position and find where you are anyways.

If you know their position and the airdrop location you might be able to trick them but if they don't approach you and camp the crate they can easily out-iodine spam you unless you were expecting the crate to be boosted and thereby also brought in 1 million detectors and iodine. 

Transmitters just aren't comparable in use to portable detectors because you can't make them move on their own either. 

I think it'd be nice if they just made portable detectors give a general area where players/transmitters are at as opposed to their exact position. That would make them much more fair because then you can easily ambush the spammer. 


41 minutes ago, Oldninja said:

I'm not sure what your primary point is?

I simply go in naked. There are locations on all maps where you can pick up weapons.

If it's bring back map select - yes

If it's bring back slower radiation - yes

If it's get rid of cosmetic items, fake glint, personal signal locator etc etc - yes

If it's improve loot - yes

If it's slow movement speed - yes

If it's improve the chances of achieving the pathetic Battle Pass - yes


If I've missed anything please add.


Yes, I'm a founder and love the game for what it was, not what it's evolved into.

My opinion and after what I've invested in the game, I'm entitled to it.


And yes. I've enjoyed imbibing a quantity of chilled Sauvignon Blanc prior to writing this.

I agree with all of the things you said "yes" to for the most part.
Cosmetics are fine for the morons that want to wear pink or red all the easier for me to pick them off. 
But yeah a lot of the consumables are bullshit so they shouldn't exist. 

I also really like the sound of slowing movement or making it more realistic, people run around like apes and it makes it so you can dodge bullets like the matrix which is dumb lol. 


12 minutes ago, Qubest said:

@ArachnidOverlord I honestly feel that the issues you are mentioning with personal signal detectors/insurance/spamming things is only related to a very very small percentage of the player base. I'm by no means a Vigor expert but I have been playing quite a bit since December and never seen it. Out of the 30 or so games I played over this weekend, not once. Over the hundreds of games since the new season, not once. Again I am not saying what you are worried about isn't happening, I just think the amount of folks who do what you are describing are few and far between. The amount of in game resources and real money needed to execute what you are talking about is immense, and honestly if they want to do it, go for it. Their excessiveness is funding me playing a game i didn't pay for. Hope they have fun. Being concerned about this becoming "meta" is exaggerated. I hope you don't play tabletop 40k for the sake of your gaming community. 


@Oldninja- Cheers! Slower radiation better challenge rewards are my main request. I don't mind the gear and cosmetics. 


@Bossshawk - You know what would help you from getting camped at signal detectors and the barred house? Personal signal detectors  ; )  I agree though, it can be frustrating. 

"I honestly feel that the issues you are mentioning with personal signal detectors/insurance/spamming things is only related to a very very small percentage of the player base. I'm by no means a Vigor expert but I have been playing quite a bit since December and never seen it."

Try going for a gold crate and you'll see these people crawl out from under the floorboards. I've had this nonsense get me killed way too many times because they know exactly where I am and I don't even know they're around. 

"The amount of in game resources and real money needed to execute what you are talking about is immense"

Actually for just the cost of insurance people boost off of each other to literally fill their inventories with whatever they want. So the cost aside from crowns goes out the window because neither party loses material-value. 
More importantly I've heard you can exploit it so you don't lose crowns which is even worse because that means people probably have hundreds if not thousands that they can just throw away. 
Now imagine that for iodine too. 

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Nothing says "weak development team" like going after the easiest design space.  I mean really....  Glint was the only semi original idea they have had so far. 

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lol i tested out an iodine in game near the end of the round...   

for all the cost of it and the big whoop to do about it... it lasts about 5 seconds... maybe 7?     its sure not going to be a game changer for waiting out a round....


i dont want it to be a game changer but for the expense of it thats rather crazy...maybe 10-20 seconds might be a lil more reasonable...   might save your loadout as is if your that close to being out and in the countdown


what i didnt test though.... if your losing health to radiation you cant use a consumbale  the RT is greyed out...


i only had the one and i didnt know if u can use a 2nd one in a row or if the RT ability is greyed out.. im assuming not if you have that loaded to use... but considering it takes what about 2secs just to have the RT circle activate the use  its gonna be hard to successfully spam them i think...  it doesnt look like they would stack so u would have to re-use another as the other wears out


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Thanks for that info Boss. I was prepared to grind hard to get the plan as the hype made it sound like it would give you an extra several minutes or so, almost back to the original (and sensible encounter time). I will now change my approach. If I get there fine, if not no biggy.

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yeah i was pushing for the level 13 crafting table.. but i was lucky to find a couple iodines in first aid boxes the first day.. i think they put some out so guys would see them... but then maybe took one of a kill.... but this was first time i managed to be able to use one near the end...

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The only consumable being spammed is the portable signals detector, I'm killing guys with 3 to 6 of them in their inventory.

The iodine really doesn't offer a long enough effect to be seen as useful IMO.

Caffeine is probably the most significant out of all of them, giving you the ability to sprint from one end of the map to the other is a big advantage more so than the iodine. 

You could grab the airdrop at one end of the map and run towards the radiation and potentially stop people running after you but ultimately who would run the risk of carrying that much caffeine or iodine in the hope of still being there in the end.

It will only benefit the high tier players to be fair, those that have endless powerful weapons and run around spamming the portable signals and picking off the weaker players.

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3 hours ago, eKLaB said:

The only consumable being spammed is the portable signals detector, I'm killing guys with 3 to 6 of them in their inventory.

The iodine really doesn't offer a long enough effect to be seen as useful IMO.

Caffeine is probably the most significant out of all of them, giving you the ability to sprint from one end of the map to the other is a big advantage more so than the iodine. 

You could grab the airdrop at one end of the map and run towards the radiation and potentially stop people running after you but ultimately who would run the risk of carrying that much caffeine or iodine in the hope of still being there in the end.

It will only benefit the high tier players to be fair, those that have endless powerful weapons and run around spamming the portable signals and picking off the weaker players.

Don't forget the people who spend their paychecks every week on this game to buy insurance every single game. 
In combination with constantly boosting with their friends they can effectively fill their inventories with literally anything with 0 cost in materials or crowns. 

It's every day now that I see one teammate with a poukko and one with doubled up p90s or other things, whom obviously carry an inventory full of goodies. 
The one with all the stuff buys insurance, bumps the crate then does some mumbo jumbo to make sure they don't actually lose their crowns. 

Also 5 seconds with 3 per slot in 22 spaces is still 330 seconds. Admittedly it's not as bad as I thought if it is truly 5 seconds but that's definitely enough to out camp everyone else in the lobby.
If you get your hands on the crate first all you have to do is corner camp a building with an Izh and it's all yours. 
So there'll be the boosters who can definitely abuse the hell out of this yet.

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someone told me its 10 secs but i dont know


actually tested it i got a slow 11 count


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Don't know about you guys, but that's pretty useless.

An extra minute or 2 would make more sense for the cost of it. For newer players I understand it costs 10200!

Seems to me the Caffeine is the best addition, as the reports suggest it enables you to sprint across a whole map. It would certainly give you a better advantage than the Iodine.

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18 hours ago, Oldninja said:

Don't know about you guys, but that's pretty useless.

An extra minute or 2 would make more sense for the cost of it. For newer players I understand it costs 10200!

Seems to me the Caffeine is the best addition, as the reports suggest it enables you to sprint across a whole map. It would certainly give you a better advantage than the Iodine.

In cases of catching or running away caffeine is better yeah. 

In cases of camping in a building with a shotgun and absolutely guaranteeing you get the crate iodine takes the cake. If it's 10 seconds per then boosters who fill their inventories with iodine (with absolutely no cost for them because exploits) can easily hide in a building for up to 10 minutes after the radiation hits, that's way more than enough time to getaway while everyone else would've left the lobby already or died from radiation. 

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Hi Arachnid,

This is news!

Could you be so good as to educate me.

Is the Iodine effect cumulative?

Have you tested it?

What exploit are you referring to?

Be assured there is no hint of sarcasm in this post. I'm seriously interested in finding out more.

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2 hours ago, Oldninja said:

Hi Arachnid,

This is news!

Could you be so good as to educate me.

Is the Iodine effect cumulative?

Have you tested it?

What exploit are you referring to?

Be assured there is no hint of sarcasm in this post. I'm seriously interested in finding out more.

You gotta keep popping pills as and when they run out 

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17 hours ago, Oldninja said:

Hi Arachnid,

This is news!

Could you be so good as to educate me.

Is the Iodine effect cumulative?

Have you tested it?

What exploit are you referring to?

Be assured there is no hint of sarcasm in this post. I'm seriously interested in finding out more.

Matthew answered two of those questions for me, but cumulative or not a second to use another pill isn't really worth considering because it takes a fair bit of constant exposure for your health to go down, so the downtime isn't a concern. 

The exploit where people buy insurance and boost off of each other, then one leaves the game and their buddy grabs their loot. The one who left doesn't lose crowns from the insurance nor anything they brought in and their partner gains everything they had effectively creating a full stack of consumables and weapons at no cost. 
Patching that might help with consumable spammers but those who boosted all the time probably have so many it'd take a while to run out.

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Thanks for the heads up guys. I'll test the iodine when/if I get the plan as I've only managed to pick up half a dozen so far.

The other thing is apparently termed as being a duper! It was discussed at length on another forum.

I also understand some of the partners have reported the behaviour to BI. Not sure if there is anything that can be done as the practise seems to be just stretching the available gameplay mechanics, and looks like a crafty (but risky) way of trading weapons and consumables.

Would appreciate other views in case I'm missing something.


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Just had another thought on the iodine. As the plan gets out into the wild more and more and as outlanders build up their stocks. All the outlanders determined to get the crate may adopt the pill popping method to increase their chances. Could get crazy!

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Wow I want to be in the getting more loot. I could use the extra goodies. Ya I heard about the sketchiness of the players that are boosting the crates/loot and really getting a lot of loot for doing it. That's why they have all the hard to get items and get all the crates just about the hole time their playing. I would be doing a lot better with my inventory if I had some help. But I will just keep camping and trying to hide till someone finds me and shoots me in the head while I'm trying to run away without any caffeine. I'm still plodding along hopefully one of these days get to make a detector or a transmitter, or even finish with my shelter. Don't take this as me whining I'm just stating the facts of my gameplay. I just wish we could all get along and stop the cheating and enjoy this game like it was when I first started playing. Maybe I will see you some day in the lobby before I gotta run and hide. Have a great day

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