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How do I open up a box with a script and make a message pop afterwards?

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I know this must be easy, but I've been looking on online and there's nothing I found that was useful.

In my mission I want players to be able to open up a rugged portable cabinet, after that I want a message to pop up somewhere to tell them that the box was empty.

How do I do this?  I already have the system in place thanks to 3den enhanced, I just need the script to alter the state of the cabinet and to pop the message


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In the cabinets Init attribute...

this addEventHandler[ "ContainerOpened", {
	_this spawn {
		waitUntil{ !isNull( uiNamespace getVariable "RscDisplayInventory" ) };
		( uiNamespace getVariable "RscDisplayInventory" ) closeDisplay 1;
		hint "You find nothing of interest";


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