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Maps not working

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Some of my maps arent working and I have no idea why. They dont have unofficial addons and the text is in all lowercase because the server is on linux. any ideas why the maps wont work?

Here is part of the mission.sqm

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">version=11;

class Mission





































class Intel









minute=0;<span id='postcolor'>

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do they have spaces in between the mission name? cause linux dont like this either. <<<< dependant upon your distro

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the map name is 40_ctf-r_alloutwar there is no spaces or capital letters and it doesnt work on fraghaus and radishville and i have no idea why

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it just picks the next map in the server rotation, similar as if the map had an addon on it that the server didnt have or if you tryed to rename a map w/out depboing it and renaming it.

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Can you post it somewhere so we can take a look at it? Does it work with the non-dedicated server?

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There are two things that can cause this problem:

Mission pbo is corrupted.

If you made it, delete the file from your MPMissions folder and re-export it from Editor.

Mission requires addon that the server does not have.

(Best way to check is to remove all your addons except for the same ones the server has, then try and play the mission.)

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Here is were you can d/l the map. the map works on karrillions server which is a windows 2k server but it doesnt work on linux servers (fraghaus or radishville)

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Pennywise helped me figure out the problem, it has to do w/ compression issues w/ the ingame .pbo thing and the makepbo, the only way i know of is to use pbotool and not to compress it. He posted a thread about it here

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I read that, but my linux server has no problems playing maps that were made with the ingame map editor. The problem has to be something else. If THOSE linux servers have problems with it maybe they aren't installed correctly?!?

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I had a problem with a map on a linux server, and did two things that may have fixed it.

The first thing I did was remove the line requiredVersion "1.90" from init.sqs. I think that was the more likely culprit. The other thing I did was change respawn="BASE"; to respawn=3; in description.ext. Should have changed one thing at a time to troubleshoot but was working on a deadline.

Another thing that may trouble a linux server is the lack of the 1.85 weapon pack. Copy your O_wp.pbo to the server's addon folder to fix.

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I must say this does not occur for every mission that loads on the server; the problem does seem to be intermittent. However, I have tested this thoroughly and can easily reproduce the problem with minimal effort. The compression issues still seems to reside as described in my post about the Linux Issue. Im pretty sure the server was installed and configured correctly everything else seems to be in working order. We were testing this remotely on radishville. Ill get an admin to verify the install and check and see if 'O_wp.pbo ' is missing on the server when I get a chance. However, I find it odd that Maximus map loaded and worked fine after we made the fix described in my following posting. In addition, you usually get a popup for a missing addon when you load a mission. I didn't have a 'description.ext' or 'init.sqs' in the mission I tested with so that shouldnt really prevent the map from loading. If anybody has any other ideas, Im all ears. biggrin.gif

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