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Insignias not JIP Compatible

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Hello, we're trying to make multiplayer units get insignia programmatically by their UID.

We have an array of UIDs and then we check if the player UID is in the array.

_usPlayers = ["21312321312313"]; 
if((getPlayerUID player) in _usPlayers) then 
    [player, ""] call BIS_fnc_setUnitInsignia;
    [player, "us"] call BIS_fnc_setUnitInsignia;

We first unassign and only then reassign the insignias because there's something weird with insignias where you can't assign the same insignia if it was already already assigned.


We run this code in onPlayerRespawn.sqf.

It works when first joining the server, however when respawning players can only see their own insignias.

If a player goes back to the lobby and reloads the mission, he'll see the insignias of those who respawned.

That tells me there's a JIP problem, and I hoped you'll be able to help me figure it out.



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