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Custom Texture doesn't apply on Player uniform (SP)

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Hello !

I recently released a new singleplayer scenario called "The Bunker", where i added custom textures to uniforms on the player and some AI. It worked well when i made some tests from the editor, but since i released it on the workshop and tried it as a new subscriber from the main menu and not as the "developer" from the editor,

the texture doesn't apply at all on the player, which is then the vanilla camo, but it works well on the AI...

The original texture is in a PAA format, but i also tried the JPG version and it still doesn't work

Here is the command i put on the player init: 

kerry setObjectTexture [0, "urban.paa"];

kerry is the name of the player unit.

I saw many posts about similar problems for the multiplayer category, but didn't found anything for the singleplayer one... and i don't know at all what could cause this.

If someone have a solution, i would really appreciate, as i'm a little embarrassed since i published it on the workshop recently.


Thank you in advance for your answers

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It's not a locality problem as for multiplayer. If you play SP, you run all scripts on your PC. So, it's probably an initialization order problem. Not tested but you could try:

this spawn {waitUntil {player == player}; sleep 1; _this setObjectTexture [0,"urban.paa"] };

(urban.paa is at the root mission folder)

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I put this code in the init.sqf,

this spawn {waitUntil {player == player}; sleep 1; kerry setObjectTexture [0,"urban.paa"] };

As kerry is the name of the player unit 

Published it on the workshop in privacy mode to try it as a new subscriber again, but unfortunately it still doesn’t work

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I found the solution, i just spawned a trigger with the original command and increased the number of seconds of his activation to 15, it worked... 

I feel foolish...

Thank you anyway pierremgi for your time and your help, i appreciate.

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