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HI All,


I'm creating a basic script that attaches a "B_Parachute_02_F" to a vehicle when it exits a plane and then opens the parachute.


Sometimes the vehicle is not direction above and is slightly off the landing location, when is comes off the plane. 


I have set the wind to 0 in both directions.


How can I script the parachute to steer to the landing location once the parachute is open?


_class = "B_Parachute_02_F";
_para = createVehicle [_class, [0,0,0], [], 0, "FLY"];
_paras =  [_para];
if (_vehType iskindof "car") then {
	_veh attachTo [_para, [0,0,0]]; //---attachment location of parachute to _veh
	_veh attachTo [_para, [0,0,-1]];
_veh allowDamage false;


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