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Dying at the same time..

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It's in my opinion the most annoying aspect of the game! When you come round a corner and end up shooting each other at the same time and both die with the last bullet that hits!! Most of the time they go down and then I'll drop a second after but why on earth is this mechanic in the game at all??

The last bullet shouldn't count and one person should be left alive to claim the loot! 

Please please! Fix it in the next update its a horrible manchanic and shouldn't be a part of the game!! 

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It mainly happens when one player gets shot in the body quite a bit and turns around and nails a lucky headshot on the guy shooting him then die as the last body shot hits him. I have turned on several people before and put one square in thier face right before I died. I laugh because at least they don't get the loot either.

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