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Opfor arent spawning with gear

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So ive recenly added opfor to my server and when i load in im naked. Ive tried adding a section in the config_loadouts and playerSkins file but i still seem to spawn naked all the time.

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Without knowing how you've added opfor to your server, or what config_loadouts or playerSkins looks like, or what mission you're running, it's going to be hard for someone to help you. 

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12 hours ago, beno_83au said:

Without knowing how you've added opfor to your server, or what config_loadouts or playerSkins looks like, or what mission you're running, it's going to be hard for someone to help you. 

tut i followed: Opfor Tut

Config_Loadouts: https://sqfbin.com/ogijerobiwobisehixad

Playerskins: https://sqfbin.com/disobafapagukolupoyo

running a 5.0 Life server 

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managed to get the char to spawn in with the clothes now but they arent being textured even though ive set the script in the playerskins.

playerSkins - 

case east: {
        if (uniform player isEqualTo "U_B_CombatUniform_mcam") then {
            player setObjectTextureGlobal [0, "textures\CTRG_M.R.F.jpg"];


cant seem to get them to spawn with the textures and dont know why.


For future people who have this issue with the same tutorial.

I fixed this by deleting the fn_adacloadout file in the "adac" folder located in core.

Then i went into functions.hpp and removed the call for it.

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