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JR Nova

Script not running on dedicated servers

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Hello I'm having some trouble making my mission work on dedicated servers. This is the code block which is causing problems


if (isServer) then {
	null=[true] execVM "waves.sqf";
	[] execVM "unlocks.sqf";
	null=[] execVM "support\request_support.sqf";

 	addMissionEventHandler ["EntityKilled", {

  		params ["_killed", "_killer", "_killerID"];

  		if ((isPlayer _killer) && (alive _killer)) then {
  			_killerID = owner _killer;
  			[_killed] remoteExec ["lmo_killMoney", _killerID, false];

This works fine on hosted servers, but on dedicated servers none of the code is ran. From my understanding (from this article), isServer should return true for both local hosted MP servers and dedicated servers. Am I doing something wrong?


I also tried changing the first line to if (isServer || isDedicated) then {  but the same thing happens, it works on local hosted MP but not on a dedicated server. I honestly have no idea what to do, as I have no dedicated server experience. Any help would be greatly appreciated!


Here is a link to the mission on github

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15 hours ago, JR Nova said:


why? seems useless, you use it in the top and the bottom one, but not in the middle? Its useless.


15 hours ago, JR Nova said:

isServer should return true for both local hosted MP servers and dedicated servers.



15 hours ago, JR Nova said:

none of the code is ran.

Are you sure that NONE is running? have you tried adding logging?




compileFinal makes no sense here



You are.. on the server waiting that a intro video shot is completed? Server has no AI, Server has no unit, it cannot follow a camera shot, that won't work.



There is no player on server


Why don't you just put your server-side only code into initServer.sqf? instead of putting it in init.sqf with a isServer check?


I would recommend you move your draw3D into a function (to workaround the eventhandler recompile bug) and only use a single Draw3D handler, you are wasting quite some performance there.



Don't use the old style eventhandlers, use the new one:




Server will never get past this, player is never initialized on server.



You should ALWAYS prefix your global variables. Like
and such




If a Player joins in progress that might mess up your stuff.



This is absolute nonsense, player is either always local, or non existend (server)


"local player" check never makes sense.

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I would just create a new file called:  initServer.sqf and then place all your server sided stuff into there

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