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Cant get the Jet Croshair

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Get in the jet, select the GBUs, switch to the targeting camera, it's there. 

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That's the predicted impact point for your bomb. It won't show up unless you have bombs selected. The idea being that you position your targeting pod over the target either as a reference point or to laze it yourself, then release your bomb as close to the center of the targeting pod's reticle as possible. That's a pretty simplified explanation though. 


Edit: coincidently, me and stanhope both answered a similar question a while back - https://forums.bohemia.net/forums/topic/225644-using-ccip-in-fixed-wings-showcase/?tab=comments#comment-3379050

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Thanks for your fast reply. 

I know what the cross hair do and what I have to that I should get it. 

I'm placing the 164 in the editor loaded with gbu 12. Get in the air, select the gbu and switch to the pod. But I only get the cirkle above and the cross of the pod. But not the croshair to aim with the bombs. 

The only way I can aim the bombs is with the hud/hmd.


Greets mike

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At a guess, you are either zoomed in too far with the targeting pod or your flight path means the bomb's predicted impact point is off-screen. If it's not either of those then I'm not sure what would be causing the problem, sorry. Because it should work as you have it.

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Flight path is straight and level, 500kmh and 300m. It does not matter if I'm zoomed in or not, I just don't get it. 


But thanks for your time man. 


Greets mike

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