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Viewing briefings in html

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I have created a breifing but now that I found a mistake, I want to go back and change some things with it, but i dont know how to. Help żpor favor?

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Open the briefing in notepad. If you know a little HTML it may help you.

I think there are some tutorials at the OFPEC on how to write briefings.


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well thats the problem, see i know some html and i already created a briefing in notepad but saved it as breifing.html so it became a html file, now i cant get it back to a notepad text file to modify it. And the thing is my computer is retarded (damn you Bill Gates!!wink.gif and i cant open the briefing as anything but a html file. There is no way to "Open" the file as a notepad file because the computer reconizes it as a HTML document and dosnt want to change it to anything else.

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When you are trying to open it select type as All Files (*.*)

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