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Need help with Admin Slot Dedicated Server

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Hi all,


Sorry i'm new and quite a coding noob. I'm running a private server and I unpacked a very complex and rich PBO from an online server. i modified it to suit our clan needs and use it for playing with friends only on a pw protected server. This mission comes with an Admin slot and I cant find where they did the Unit ID comparison for login. The only thing I found was something that appears to dive in a database.

Since I'm not such a good coder, I was hoping someone would be willing to drop a Case Switch in the code below so I can add User IDs instead of going through a database which is not mine. Please correct me if I'm wrong, here is the code:


// by Xeno
//#define __DEBUG__
#define THIS_FILE "initPlayerServer.sqf"
#include "x_setup.sqf"
#ifdef __DEBUG__
diag_log [diag_frameno, diag_ticktime, time, "Executing MPF initPlayerServer.sqf"];

params ["_pl"];

if (_pl isKindOf "HeadlessClient_F") exitWith {
	__TRACE_2("","_pl","owner _pl")
	d_hc_array pushBack _pl;
	if (time > 10) then {
		if (!isNil "d_recreatehcs_handle") then {
			terminate d_recreatehcs_handle;
		d_recreatehcs_handle = 0 spawn d_fnc_recreatehcs;

private _uid = getPlayerUID _pl;

if (isNull _pl || {_uid isEqualTo ""}) exitWith {
	diag_log "Domination ATTENTION!!!!!! A player connected as null object or with an empty UID";
	diag_log ["_this", _this];
	diag_log "This means the player has not connected properly, resulting in a no unit message!!!!!";
	diag_log "This may break scripts!!!!";
	if (!isNull _pl) then {
		remoteExecCall ["d_fnc_remplnounit", _pl];

if (_pl isKindOf "VirtualSpectator_F") exitWith {
	if (d_database_found) then {
		d_virtual_spectators pushBack _uid;

#ifndef __TT__
[_pl, 18] call d_fnc_setekmode;

private _name = (name _pl) splitString """'" joinString "";
_pl setVariable ["d_plname", _name, true];

private _p = d_player_store getVariable _uid;
private _f_c = false;
private _sidepl = side (group _pl);
if (isNil "_p") then {
	_p = [time + d_AutoKickTime, time, "", 0, str _pl, _sidepl, _name, 0, [-2, xr_max_lives] select (xr_max_lives != -1), [0, 0], "", [], []];
	d_player_store setVariable [_uid, _p];
	_f_c = true;
	__TRACE_3("Player not found","_uid","_name","_p")
} else {
	__TRACE_1("player store before change","_p")
	if (_name != _p # 6) then {
		[22, _name, _p # 6] remoteExecCall ["d_fnc_csidechat", [0, -2] select isDedicated];
		diag_log format [localize "STR_DOM_MISSIONSTRING_942", _name, _p # 6, _uid];
	if ((_p # 9) # 0 > 0 && {time - ((_p # 9) # 0) > 900}) then {
		_p set [8, [-2, xr_max_lives] select (xr_max_lives != -1)];
		_p set [9, [0, (_p # 9) # 1]];
	if (_p # 0 > -1) then {
		_p set [0, time + (_p # 0)];
	_p set [1, time];
	_p set [4, str _pl];
	_p set [6, _name];
#ifdef __TT__
	if (_sidepl != _p # 5) then {
		if ((_p # 9) # 1 > 0 && {time - ((_p # 9) # 1) < 1800}) then {
			_pl setVariable ["d_no_side_change", true, true];
		} else {
			_p set [5, _sidepl];
			_f_c = true;
			d_player_store setVariable [_uid + "_scores", nil];
			_p set [11, []];
			_p set [12, []];
			if ((_p # 9) # 1 > 0) then {
				_p set [9, [(_p # 9) # 0, 0]];
	__TRACE_1("player store after change","_p")

_p remoteExecCall ["d_fnc_player_stuff", owner _pl];

if (d_database_found) then {
	private _dbresult = [];
#ifndef __INTERCEPTDB__
	_dbresult = parseSimpleArray ("extdb3" callExtension format ["0:dom:playerGetTS:%1", _uid]);
	if (_dbresult # 0 == 1) then {
		_dbresult = _dbresult # 1;
	} else {
		_dbresult = [];
	// TODO Does the following work?
	//if (isNil "D_DB_plgetts_query") then {
	//	D_DB_plgetts_query = dbPrepareQueryConfig ["playerGetTS", [_uid]];
	//} else {
	//	D_DB_plgetts_query dbBindValue _uid;
	//_res = D_DB_CON dbExecute D_DB_plgetts_query;

	if (d_interceptdb) then {
		_dbresult = ["playerGetTS", [_uid]] call dsi_fnc_queryconfig;
	diag_log ["Dom Database playerGetTS result", _dbresult];

	if (_dbresult isEqualTo []) then {
		// create new database entry for UID
		__TRACE("creating new db entry");
#ifndef __INTERCEPTDB__
		"extdb3" callExtension format ["1:dom:playerInsert:%1:%2", _uid, _name];
		if (d_interceptdb) then {
			["playerInsert", [_uid, _name]] call dsi_fnc_queryconfigasync;
	} else {
		__TRACE("adding nums played for player in db");
#ifndef __INTERCEPTDB__
		"extdb3" callExtension format ["1:dom:numplayedAdd:%1:%2", _name, _uid];
		diag_log ["Dom Database extdb3 updating numplayed"];
		if (d_interceptdb) then {
			["numplayedAdd", [_name, _uid]] call dsi_fnc_queryconfigasync;
#ifdef __DEBUG__
		_uidscores = isNil {d_player_store getVariable (_uid + "_scores")};
		if (isNil "d_set_pl_score_db") then {
			d_set_pl_score_db = true;
			publicVariable "d_set_pl_score_db";
		if (d_set_pl_score_db && {_f_c && {isNil {d_player_store getVariable (_uid + "_scores")}}}) then {
			__TRACE("Adding score");
			__TRACE_1("","_dbresult select 0")
			__TRACE_1("","score _pl")
			d_player_store setVariable [_uid + "_scores", [(_dbresult # 0) # 1, (_dbresult # 0) # 2, (_dbresult # 0) # 3, (_dbresult # 0) # 4, (_dbresult # 0) # 5, (_dbresult # 0) # 0]];
			[_pl, _dbresult # 0] spawn d_fnc_initdbplscores;
#ifndef __INTERCEPTDB__
		_dbresult = parseSimpleArray ("extdb3" callExtension format ["0:dom:playerGet:%1", _uid]);
		if (_dbresult # 0 == 1) then {
			_dbresult = _dbresult # 1;
		} else {
			_dbresult = [];
		if (d_interceptdb) then {
			_dbresult = ["playerGet", [_uid]] call dsi_fnc_queryconfig;
		diag_log ["Dom Database playerGet result", _dbresult];
		if !(_dbresult isEqualTo []) then {
			_dbresult params ["_pres"];
			if !(_pres isEqualTo []) then {
				_pres set [1, (_pres # 1) call d_fnc_convtime];
				[missionNamespace, ["d_pl_db_mstart", _pres]] remoteExecCall ["setVariable", _pl];

_pl spawn {
	scriptName "spawn_init_playerserver2";
	sleep 1;
	[_this] call d_fnc_addceo;

#ifdef __DEBUG__
diag_log [diag_frameno, diag_ticktime, time, "MPF initPlayerServer.sqf processed"];

if (d_MissionType != 2) then {
	_pl addEventhandler ["HandleScore", {_this call d_fnc_handlescore}];


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The entire mission is available here: 


The script above does not assign an admin. This is done in another script and it also doesnt compare any UIDs but instead uses BIS_fnc_admin to assign a variable to the user which says if he is an admin: https://github.com/Xeno69/Domination/blob/master/co30_Domination.Altis/clientui/fn_scacheck.sqf

// by Xeno
//#define __DEBUG__
#define THIS_FILE "fn_scacheck.sqf"
#include "..\x_setup.sqf"

d_pisadminp = (isMultiplayer && {(call BIS_fnc_admin) > 1}) || {isServer};

This script is run continuesly on the client. As soon as he logs in as admin the variable gets updated. MAYBE this will work:

// by Xeno
//#define __DEBUG__
#define THIS_FILE "fn_scacheck.sqf"
#include "..\x_setup.sqf"

d_pisadminp = (isMultiplayer && {(call BIS_fnc_admin) > 1}) || {isServer} || (getPlayerUID player in ["1", "2", "3"]);

Where 1, 2 and 3 are your admin UIDs.

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You should just be able to use your Admin UIDs from your server.cfg file. When an admin is logged it should enable the extra permissions to that player. If you can't get in as Admin to the specified slot, and it is calling for a player that you do not know, they may be able to get a backdoor to your server, so proceed with caution. Only 1 admin can be logged in at a time, so if you are trying to allow for all squadmates to get that 1 spot, it may not work the way you want it to.  I didn't want to use a database for Domination either, so I honestly removed those missions from my server in favor of the APEX framework missions instead as they allow for different tiers of pseudo admin abilities, with similar mission designs. I always try  to make sure that I have a full understanding of what is needed in my missions, and why they are needed, before I use them on my server.

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