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Instantly corrupted saves?

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It seems as if something is instantly corrupting my save files. Doesn't matter wether its an autosave or a manual save. I save the game, but when I load the save I just get the 'end of mission screen' with nothing on it, and often times a weird random camera angle in the background with nothing happening.

I have tested all my mods both seperately and together and I can't point it down what is causing it specifically. Its only when I enable some mods or all of my mods that it occurs. It seems to happen randomly at some point with some mods enabeled regardless which ones. 

I suspect it might be a CBA issues since I can load that on its own without any problem. Its only in combination with other mods that I get this issue. 

I was wondering wether anybody else is running into this issue, and if there is a fix I can do, or underway by the dev's

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