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Vehicle Trader sells vehicles as an item? (Forgot what fixes this)

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Hi All,


I've been banging my head on what causes a Custom Trader (Community Customs Trader) to sell vehicles as an inventory item. Grr.🤕


I did it on my other server a while back and remember it's stupid simple, yet since we lost the old Exile mod forums it's been hard to sort out.


Anyone remember what is needed? I've check things in the config (mission folder) like CfgInteractionMenu etc, and in my Exile Server Config config.

Also checked the Trader configs and see that they are same as Aircraft and Vehicle. 

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance, 1million pop for the answer 😎

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Sorted out...

This is what happens when you walk away from it all for a few months, or I'm getting old.


If you're trader looks anything like below, you need to make sure the first class or "select 0" dictates type, i.e. "vehicle trader" or  more accurately "Exile_Trader_Vehicle" and not the "Exile_Trader_CommunityCustoms".


The second mention of the trader, or "select 2" is for "ExileTraderType".

["Exile_Trader_Vehicle", ["c5efe_MichalLoop"], "Exile_Trader_CommunityCustoms", "WhiteHead_05", [[],[],[],["U_I_pilotCoveralls",[]],[],[],"H_PilotHelmetHeli_O","G_Combat",[],["","","","","",""]], [4835.48, 10089.5, 339.666], [-0.998847, -0.0479976, 0], [0, 0, 1]],

Sometimes it helps to go back and reread the "createVehicle" path after you walk away from it for bit.  🤦‍♂️


For any of you that forgot as well.

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Added note, as I remembered this last night and thought I'd add. 


If you layout your traders and using the 3Den Plugin, start by selecting the Vehicle Trader for your trader to put down, then in the Attributes of the Trader, select the Trader Type (....Community Customs x). 


This should link up and make it to where you can avoid the confusion or having to go back and edit the entry when you export your traders to your initPlayerLocal.sqf.

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