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Problem Connecting Rope To Player's Vehicle

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Hello, I've just started getting back into a paradrop script that I began an age ago and for the most part it's working well. BUT, I'm having a problem with attaching a rope between the player's parachute and their pack. When it's an AI unit it works fine, but when a player is in the parachute the rope spawns, then gets stuck in midair at it's full length:








The player's pack still acts as if it is attached to the rope though, but the rope stays where it spawns.


waitUntil {((getPos _unit) select 2) < (50 + (random 20))};

_obj = createVehicle ["Land_BakedBeans_F",[0,0,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"];
_obj allowDamage false;
_obj setPos (getPos _packHolder);

_rope = ropeCreate [vehicle _unit,[0,0,-0.5],_obj,[0,0,0],12];

detach _packHolder;
_packHolder attachTo [_obj,[-0.1,0.3,0.55]];
_obj setVelocity (velocity (vehicle _unit));

_packHolder is the groundWeaponHolder that the unit's pack goes into for the jump.


Anyone got any pointers here? Cheers.

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That looks really sweet bean-o.  Very cool.


Is it possible to attach to the chute instead of the player, for the player case?  Or maybe in the player case you create an AI (set invisible and no voice) that you attach to player, and attach the _obj to the invisible AI.  I've found attaching to invisible AIs useful in other instances.


Also, I note that BakedBeans figure crucially into your script.  Why am I not surprised.  Happy New Year mate.

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Thanks @johnnyboy, you too. And that can of beans has been a pretty useful tool a few times before haha. I'm already attaching the rope to the parachute though, but an AI replacement might be a good workaround, cheers. 

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Well, you got me on the right path Johnny. Instead of using an AI though (and after trying several ways of making cameras and attaching things all over the place) it hit me like a tonne of paratroopers. In short, I spawned an empty parachute, attached the rope to the chute then attached the empty chute to the player's chute. Maybe there's a better way, but this is MY way, and what else matters?

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