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Custom Identity and Briefings not showing in MP Game

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Hey all.


I created a few units in a mission and gave them a specific Identity name. When I'm in the editor and previewing, the names appear properly, however when I add the missions to my server they default to a generic name. Its the same with my briefings. They're fine in the editor, but the moment I get into the server, they disappear. Why is this?

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On 12/31/2019 at 6:50 PM, beno_83au said:

Location, location, location. 





Put simply though, the briefing needs to be run on all clients, not just the server. Run it from initPlayerLocal.sqf


So this would be taking the actual contents of what the Create Diary Record module does and put that content in that .sqf file?  Why is it that some missions load the briefing and namings fine, but others don't? I don't ever remember having this issue in ArmA 2.

I'm also using 3den so I'm not sure how that is going to affect things.


I also had a cargo van that should have had its doors open appear with everything shut. I'm assuming that's similar?

Edited by combataz

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Hey, sorry mate. I don't use the editor for briefings, but https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/createDiaryRecord is pretty easy to use and if you run the command in initPlayerLocal.sqf it'll create a briefing for all players. As for the vehicles, I'm not sure. I'd have a look but I'm a bit occupied at the moment.

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On 1/6/2020 at 3:42 AM, combataz said:

I also had a cargo van that should have had its doors open appear with everything shut. I'm assuming that's similar?

I would recommend having a look at animateDoor, I haven't used it myself though. The effects are global so you can most likely just put it in the init of the vehicle.

if (isServer) then{
//code for animating vehicle door

This will animate the vehicle's door at mission start (or when you spawn the vehicle) and only execute the animation once, on the server. If I understand your problem correctly, I believe this is is the simplest way to avoid any locality-issues with your vehicle.

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