FYI, I will be spending more time keeping the Steam page for this addon up to date. For the latest list of features check there.
Steam Link:
This addon adds the capability to Helocast, Kangaroo cast and recover Zodiacs (CRRCs).This is designed to work in SP, MP and Dedicated with human and AI pilots and boat crew.
This is a Beta release. More features are planned and more aircraft will be supported. I'll be adding a video showcase soon to demonstrate the features.
Please note: I can incorporate any boat or aircraft into my mod without REQUIRING that addon as a dependency - I just use classnames.
With this in mind, I'd like to incorporate as many reasonable additions as possible, so keep 'em coming!
Supported Aircraft:
RHS CH-47 series (Helocast & Recover)
RHS H-60 series (K-cast)
RHS CH-53 series without rear gun (Helocast & Recover)
Vanilla CH-67 (Helocast)
Vanilla Blackfish (Helocast & Recover) *Note the AI can't hover, so no helocasting with AI pilot
CUP US H-60s (K-Cast)
CUP MH-47E (Helocast & Recover)
CUP US CH-53E (Helocast & Recover)
CUP V-22 (Helocast & Recover) *Note the AI can't hover, so no helocasting with AI pilot
EricJ H-60s (K-Cast)
EricJ H-92s (K-Cast)
EricJ CH-67 (Helocast)
Konyos MH-47 (Helocast & Recover)
Boeing Konyo MH47G SOAR (Patch to Konyo's MH-47) (Helocast & Recover)
OPTRE Pelicans (K-Cast & Recover *goofily*)
Supported Boats:
All Vanilla CRRCs
ZodiacCRRCBoat (]
Support for SP, MP and Dedicated
Ability to Helocast, Kangaroo Cast (K-Cast) and Recover CRRCs
Automatic setup for supported helos and CRRCs
Add a CRRC to a helo via Eden
Green chemlight automatically added to the CRRC after being cast so swimmers can find the boat at night
Users can remove this marker once they're near the boat
Boat crews are automatically loaded into the helo
Support for all CRRC/Zodiac form factor boats in ARMA 3
Support for addon aircraft without mod dependency
Safety checks to ensure you only helocast onto water
Inter-operable with Feint's Paddle Mod - New 2019-12-27
Logistical Loading/Unloading of CRRCs - New 2019-12-27
Jump animations - New 2019-12-27
Door/ramp animations - New 2019-12-27
Cabin Light operation (RHS assets with AI pilots only) - New 2019-12-27
Should be compatible with Liberation, Antistasi, etc. (Would love testing feedback)
Designed to be compatible with the USS Freedom (Load/Unload CRRC without explosions)
In the Eden editor, you will see an options to "Add CRRC" under attributes. Check this box and a CRRC will be added to the helo (if supported) when the scenario starts.
Boats are automatically recoverable by supported aircraft without additional setup.
Helicopters are automatically setup for supported Helocast, K-Cast and recovery functions.
Helocast Procedure:
Inside moving helicopter with a boat loaded > Prep for Helocast (Ramp opens, drop altitude and speed) > Helocast (Boat is kicked out/dropped and all non-flight crew jumps out). A marker chemlight is automatically added to the CRRC. It can be removed by the user once they're near the boat.
Recovery Procedure:
Suitable helicopter lands in water with ramp open > pilot CRRC inside the helo > Recover CRRC > The boat is secured, boat crew takes up seats in the helo and the ramp closes.
Prepping and canceling helocast will cause the AI pilot to act accordingly. With human pilots, this only opens and closes the ramps. Your human pilot will need to fly lo and slow for you to see the option to Helocast.
The air crew of the helo needs to be in a different squad than the crew jumping with the boat
The recovery helo must have bench seats (don't use hide seats attribute in Eden because this prevents passengers from being able to take seats in the helo)
In most aircraft, the CRRC is not visible while inside the aircraft with the ramp closed. This is related to the aircraft models and beyond my scope.
The RHS CH-53s and CH-47s take water damage and drown the crew after sitting in the water too long. I'll be reaching out to RHS to see if this can be resolved.
The Vanilla CH-67 sinks immediately when touched by a boat - at this time recovery is not supported on the CH-67.
The function that pushes the CRRC out the back of the helo is very simplistic at this time: if you helocast at severe pitch/roll angles weird things will happen.
The AI don't seem to know how to hover VTOLs so you won't be able to helocast with an AI pilot in a VTOL
Planned Updates:
Configurable CRRC markers (IR strobes, other chemlights, etc.)
Better condition checks for helocast launching (consider pitch, roll, etc.)
Support for additional (appropriate) aircraft per user requests
Add caving ladders to H-60 and similar
Prep for recovery action
AI custom waypoint types to Prep for Helocast, initiate Helocast and Setup for Recovery
Tuned flight profiles so helos don't gain as much altitude when slowing down
Support for appropriate addon boats
Support for addon marker type grenades as available CRRC markers (e.g. my Thermal IFF Strobe:
Code update to require server-side only execution
Zeus ability to add CRRC to helo
Usage Restrictions:
The GNU General Public License v3.0:
I know folks are going to dePBO this, so the GPL license just basically asks that you mention me on any work based on this. I will be making my Github for this public once the addon is a bit more mature.
Anyone may add the raw PBOs for this mod into their own addons, etc.
Will/Can this be released as a script? - Unfortunately things like tying into the Eden editor to add the CRRC to a helo aren't possible as a script. I have no plans of pursuing this as a script at this time.
Why can't I see the Helocast action? - The helo must be flying low and slow (<= 10 KPH and between 0.5 - 4.5 meters off the ground) and be over water and have a boat
Acknowledgments and Thanks:
All of the original content authors for the assets this supports: RHS, CUP, EricJ, Konyo, Get Trippy and OPTRE