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So lately I’m noticing some absolutely garbage spawns in which nearly the entire lobby will spawn in the same area of the map resulting in death matches a minute into gameplay. This I do not need to stress is cancerous on highly boosted encounters 🤔


another matter is the fact that even if the lobby manages to spawn a decent ways apart I still find myself placed next to at least one other person. Worst offenders are fjellkanten and fiske fabrikk in which I can turn ads and snipe someone after about 5-6 seconds of running to where I know there’s a spawn. The island on fiske you can turn right or left depending on the spawn and immediately kill someone and I have some hilarious clips of these kind of instant game overs. Fjellkanten I’ve have multiple game overs being sniped up on the hill before I even move if I don’t immediately start running for cover. Needs looking at devs! Also one final point sorry for the essay/rant

people spawning inches from barred house versus those spawning opposite corner of the map away from all major interest points!!

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