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Sainte marie hill

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Hi all

This is the updated version of Sainte Marie Hill promissed all those months back. An example of the CE2 in a full scale company battle to take a hill with artilery and helicopters and mortars.

It is Malden D Day H Hour plus twenty minutes. You are the second wave commander of Delta Company on Landing Beach Lance. Bravo Company has secured the beach area at great loss of life and you are to take the strategic Sainte Marie Hill.

Sainte Marie Hill files here

Kind Regards walker

Edited by W0lle
Link fixed

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Hi all

I had a couple of emails about not being able access the mortars in battle.

This is because you have to tell them to dimount from their vehicles.

Select Groups

select Mortar Section in the menus

or use alt point click on their marker in the map screen.

Now in the radio

select action

select dismount

toggle both vehicles usiing up and down select

select execute.

Takes about four second

Or you can preplan it all in their waypoint markers.

Now you can use the mortars

Kind regards walker smile.gif

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