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Need help writing script - HVIs get in AI controlled boat

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I'm struggling trying to figure out a script for the following scenario and hoping someone can help...


  • AI with variable names "VIP", "BG1" and BG2" get rescued
    • (I just have a trigger set up so when a player gets close enough the boat gets underway, I have the boat linked to a "show/hide" module too so its hidden untilo the trigger is activated and it starts to move)
  • local forces dispatch a boat to come get them and take them to safety
    • I have a number of waypoints to get the boat to the HVIs then the boat has a "LOAD" waaypoint linked to a "GET IN" waypoint for the HVIs but nothing happens!)
  • boat stops and rescued hostages get in
    • I was thinking setting the script to a trigger thaty doesn't activate til the HVIs are in the boat?
  • boat leaves AO
    • I give the boat a waypoint away from the AO and a script to delete everyone in the boat along with the boat itself?

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