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Here is a super simple script for animating lip movement for an AI unit for specified # of seconds.  



// ***********************************************************************************
// JBOY_Lip.sqf
// Do random lip for X seconds
// Compile in init.sqf:    JBOY_Lip =  compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "Scripts\JBOY_Lip.sqf";
// Call:                   _n = [dude, 3] call JBOY_Lip;
// ***********************************************************************************

_n = [_speaker,_seconds] spawn
    _speaker setRandomLip true;
    sleep _seconds;
    _speaker setRandomLip false;


Here is some sample usage code, where two different units talk with each other.  In this example the valdez character says a sound file that is about 5 seconds long, and the paramedic1 character says a sound file that is 2.6 seconds long.

// **************************************************************
[valdez, 5] call JBOY_Lip;
valdez customRadio [JBOY_Channel,"hvTempHospital"];   
//valdez globalchat "Hey Zeke.  When are they going to build the new hospital?  This temporary one is a dump.";
sleep 5;
// **************************************************************
[paramedic1, 2.6] call JBOY_Lip;
paramedic1 customRadio [JBOY_Channel,"hParaCutOffFunding"];  
//paramedic1 globalchat "Maybe never.  Madagascar has cut off the funding.";
sleep 3;


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13 hours ago, pierremgi said:

Did you test setMimic?

Bonjour Pierre.  I've tried setMimic, but IMO its not that useful.  In ARMA 1 you could make an AI smile and more, and it was great.  The few expressions that work in ARMA 3 aren't that useful to me.  Except maybe for a putting a unit on a toilet and having him make a constipated face.

  • Haha 2

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1 hour ago, Chris Wilkinson said:

Hi dude. Does this script make lips move in n time with the words?

It does random lip movements for the duration past in to the script.  So if your sound file is 5 seconds of talking, then pass in 5 to the script.  The lip movement aren't perfectly aligned with the words necessarily though.

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