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Smart Games

Cant pick up item from GroundWeaponHolder_Scripted

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Thats the function:

fnc_check =
		params ["_whitelist"];
		private ["_primaryweapon","_handgunweapon","_launcher","_pw","_hw","_lw","_veh"];

		_primaryweapon = primaryWeapon player;
    	_handgunweapon = handgunWeapon player;
    	_launcher = secondaryWeapon player;

    	_pw = 0;
    	_hw = 0;
    	_lw = 0;

    		if (_x == _primaryweapon) then
    				_pw = _pw + 1;
    	} forEach _whitelist;

    		if (_x == _handgunweapon) then
    				_hw = _hw + 1;
    	} forEach _whitelist;

    		if (_x == _launcher) then
    				_lw = _lw + 1;
    	} forEach _whitelist;

    	if (count primaryWeapon player >= 3) then
    			if (_pw == 0) then
    					_veh = createVehicle ["GroundWeaponHolder_Scripted", position player, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    					player action ["DropWeapon", _veh, primaryWeapon player];

    	if (count handgunWeapon player >= 3) then
    			if (_hw == 0) then
    					_veh = createVehicle ["GroundWeaponHolder_Scripted", position player, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    					player action ["DropWeapon", _veh, handgunWeapon player];

    	if (count secondaryWeapon player >= 3) then
    			if (_lw == 0) then
    					_veh = createVehicle ["GroundWeaponHolder_Scripted", position player, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    					player action ["DropWeapon", _veh, secondaryWeapon player];


Its very difficult to find the right position to pick up the item. I tried to chance the height of the weaponholder - didnt work.

Any Ideas, thanks!

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1 hour ago, Smart Games said:

Its very difficult to find the right position to pick up the item.

Any Ideas, thanks!

Spawn just one weaponHolder and place all non whitelisted weapons in it?


fnc_check = {
	if !( canSuspend ) exitWith { _this spawn fnc_check };
	params[ "_whitelist" ];
	private _wh = objNull;
		_x params[ "_weapon" ];
		//If we have a weapon && its not in the whitelist
		if ( _weapon != "" && { _whitelist findIf{ _x == _weapon } isEqualTo -1 } ) then {
			//If a weapon holder has not been spawned
			if ( isNull _wh ) then {
				//Create weapon holder
				_wh = createVehicle[ "GroundWeaponHolder_Scripted", position player, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE" ];
			//Place players weapon in holder
			player action[ "DropWeapon", _wh, _weapon ];
			//Wait for action to finish
			waitUntil{ !( player hasWeapon _weapon ) };
	}forEach [
		primaryWeapon player,
		handgunWeapon player, 
		secondaryWeapon player

[ [] ] spawn fnc_check; //Test drop all weapons as whitelist is empty



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I will try it, thanks.


@Larrow, do you know an other way to make the player drop equipment to the ground without removing it?

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You are creating one weaponholder right on top of another. This is going to cause lots of problems as well as preventing the deletion of a weaponholder.


Also out of curiousity why do you count letters in weapon class names, why they have to be >= 3?

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6 hours ago, killzone_kid said:

You are creating one weaponholder right on top of another. This is going to cause lots of problems as well as preventing the deletion of a weaponholder.


I can confirm that, it actually CRASHES Arma 3 for me. And a hard crash that requires a full reboot on windows 10.


I solved this by having my script:

Drop the primaryWeapon to the _wh.

Delete the secondaryWeapon. (if present).

Put the handgunWeapon inside the backpack/uniform/vest. (If no space left just delete it). (if present).

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16 hours ago, Larrow said:

Spawn just one weaponHolder and place all non whitelisted weapons in it?

I use this for simulating a weapon drop, do you think it might cause me troubles using "WeaponHolderSimulated" createVehicle [0,0,0]; instead of createVehicle[ "GroundWeaponHolder_Scripted", position player, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE" ]; ?



weaponDrop = {
params ["_unit"];
	if !(currentWeapon _unit isEqualTo "") then {
		private _weaponHolder = objNull;
		private _weapon = currentWeapon _unit;
		_unit removeWeapon _weapon;
		if ( isNull _weaponHolder ) then {
			_weaponHolder = "WeaponHolderSimulated" createVehicle [0,0,0];
			_weaponHolder addWeaponCargoGlobal [_weapon,1];
			_weaponHolder setPos (_unit modelToWorld [0,.2,1.2]);
			_weaponHolder disableCollisionWith _unit;
			_dir = random(360);
			_speed = 1.5;
			_weaponHolder setVelocity [_speed * sin(_dir), _speed * cos(_dir),4];





PS: Your fnc_check is only dropping the currentWeapon and not all primary, secondary and handgun weapons for me. Am I doing something wrong? I am running it like this:



vDropAllWeapons = {

	params[ "_dropingUnit" ];
	private _wh = objNull;
	_weapon = currentWeapon _dropingUnit;
		_x params [ "_weapon" ];
		//If we have a weapon && its not in the whitelist
		if ( _weapon != "") then {
			//If a weapon holder has not been spawned
			if ( isNull _wh ) then {
				//Create weapon holder
				_wh = createVehicle[ "GroundWeaponHolder_Scripted", position _dropingUnit, [], 1, "CAN_COLLIDE" ];
			//Place players weapon in holder
			_dropingUnit action[ "DropWeapon", _wh, _weapon ];
			//Wait for action to finish
			waitUntil{!( _dropingUnit hasWeapon _weapon ) };
	}forEach [
		primaryWeapon _dropingUnit,
		handgunWeapon _dropingUnit, 
		secondaryWeapon _dropingUnit






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10 hours ago, LSValmont said:

Your fnc_check is only

And then shows a modified script to my original 😄


10 hours ago, LSValmont said:

is only dropping the currentWeapon and not all primary, secondary and handgun weapons for me. Am I doing something wrong?

Well no, should work fine, even though you have dropped a nonsensical currentWeapon reference in there, as the params will overwrite the previous local var ( _weapon ).

It does not drop all pri ,sec, hand weapons, just the current equipped ones. For instance its is not going to drop a gun that is in your backpack etc.


vDropAllWeapons = { 
	params[ "_dropingUnit" ];
	private _wh = objNull;
		_x params [ "_weapon" ];
		//If we have a weapon
		if ( _weapon != "" ) then {
			//If a weapon holder has not been spawned
			if ( isNull _wh ) then {
				//Create weapon holder
				_wh = createVehicle[ "GroundWeaponHolder_Scripted", position _dropingUnit, [], 1, "CAN_COLLIDE" ];
			//Place players weapon in holder
			_dropingUnit action[ "DropWeapon", _wh, _weapon ];
			//Wait for action to finish
			waitUntil{ !( _dropingUnit hasWeapon _weapon ) };
	}forEach [
		primaryWeapon _dropingUnit,
		handgunWeapon _dropingUnit,
		secondaryWeapon _dropingUnit

[player] spawn vDropAllWeapons



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3 hours ago, Larrow said:

And then shows a modified script to my original 😄


Well no, should work fine, even though you have dropped a nonsensical currentWeapon reference in there, as the params will overwrite the previous local var ( _weapon ).

It does not drop all pri ,sec, hand weapons, just the current equipped ones. For instance its is not going to drop a gun that is in your backpack etc.



Thank you Larrow, I didn't know that _weapon was like a magic variable? Since it is not here https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Magic_Variables and _weapon was not defined previously on the fnc I was running I thought I had to do it somewhere. That is good to know!


Yes it was slightly modified because I was not using a weapon white listing but it was your fnc's soul... =p


So I had a soldier equipped with a primary, a secondary (launcher) and a pistol, all on their respective slots (not on backpack/vest etc) and still only dropped currentWeapon but probably because of the modification I made to your fnc. I will try again a little bit later when I am home.

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12 minutes ago, LSValmont said:

Thank you Larrow, I didn't know that _weapon was like a magic variable?

Its not _x is, which _x is the current player weapon being checked from the array.


	_x params[ "_weapon" ];

}forEach [
    primaryWeapon _dropingUnit,
    handgunWeapon _dropingUnit,
    secondaryWeapon _dropingUnit

...is the same as...

	_weapon = _x;

}forEach [
    primaryWeapon _dropingUnit,
    handgunWeapon _dropingUnit,
    secondaryWeapon _dropingUnit

...other than params privates the variable making sure nothing called _weapon in a higher scope is being overwritten.

_x is the magic variable representing the current value being iterated from the array. _weapon is just assigned the value of _x.

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13 minutes ago, LSValmont said:

Thank you Larrow, I didn't know that _weapon was like a magic variable?

Its not.


13 minutes ago, LSValmont said:

and _weapon was not defined previously on the fnc I was running

But it was:

13 hours ago, LSValmont said:

_weapon = currentWeapon _dropingUnit;

_x params [ "_weapon" ];


You first set _weapon, then you call params to set _weapon again. making your first _weapon= useless.

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