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WeaponHolderSimulated spawns as ObjNull

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I'm trying to spawn weapons inside each building in the map, but for some reason more than half spawns as ObjNull

Here's the code:

_buildings = nearestObjects[_worldCenter, ["building"], (worldName call BIS_fnc_mapSize)]; //Get all buildings.
  _buildingPositions = _x buildingPos -1;  //Get all positions inside the building.
  _localPos = selectRandom _buildingPositions; //Select a random one.
  _spawnPos = [(_localPos select 0), (_localPos select 1), ((_localPos select 2) + 1)]; //Elevate the position 1 meter.
  _holder = createVehicle ["WeaponHolderSimulated", _spawnPos, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; //Spawn the weapon holder.
  _weapon = selectRandom _weaponsArray; //Select a random weapon.
  _holder addItemCargoGlobal [_weapon, 1]; //Add the weapon to the holder.
} forEach _buildings;


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Use WeaponHolderSimulated_Scripted
The normal one despawns when its empty. which it is.


 _spawnPos = [(_localPos select 0), (_localPos select 1), ((_localPos select 2) + 1)];

can be replaced by

_spawnPos = _localPos vectorAdd [0,0,1];


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I am having the same problem even with WeaponHolderSimulated_Scripted!


CODE spawned every time a unit dies to convert its body to an agent:


vBodiesToAgents = {
	params ["_body"];
	_body disableAi "ALL";
	_body setSkill 0;
	if (isAgent teamMember _body) exitWith {}; // body Already an Agent
	sleep (5 + (random 5));
	if !(isTouchingGround _body) exitWith {}; // Body is in the air!
	private _pos = getposATL _body;
	private _dir = getDir _body;
	private _type = typeOf _body;
	private _loadout = getUnitLoadout _body;
	private _face = face _body;
	private _name = name _body;
	private _holders = [];
	_holders = nearestObjects [getPos _body, ["WeaponHolderSimulated", "GroundWeaponHolder", "WeaponHolderSimulated_Scripted"], 3];
	private _weaponsArray = [];
	if !(_holders isEqualTo []) then {
			private _getWeap = weaponsItemsCargo _x;
			_weaponsArray pushBack _getWeap;
		} forEach _holders;
	private _bodyAgent = createAgent [_type, [0,0,0], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
	_bodyAgent disableAi "ALL";
	_bodyAgent setSkill 0;
	_bodyAgent setUnitLoadout _loadout;
	if (_face != "") then {_bodyAgent setFace _face};
	if (_name != "") then {_bodyAgent setName _name};
	_bodyAgent setDir _dir;
	private _anim = "deadstate";
	if (random 10 > 9) then {
		_anim = selectRandom [
	[_bodyAgent, _anim] remoteExecCall ["switchMove",0,false];
	_bodyAgent setDammage 1;
	sleep 1;
	private _weaponHolder = objNull;
	if !(_weaponsArray isEqualTo []) then {
		if ( isNull _weaponHolder ) then {
			_weaponHolder = createVehicle ["WeaponHolderSimulated_Scripted", _pos, [], 2, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
				_weaponHolder addWeaponCargoGlobal [_x,1];
			} forEach _weaponsArray;
			_weaponHolder disableCollisionWith _bodyAgent;
			_bodyAgent disableCollisionWith _weaponHolder;			
	_bodyAgent setVariable ["vGC_deathTime",time];
	hintsilent format ["pos holder: %1", getPos _weaponHolder];
	deleteVehicle _body;
	_bodyAgent setPos _pos;



Still the weapon holder with the unit's weapons do not appear next to the "new" agent body.


Please help!

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If _weaponsArray is populated it includes arrays, like [[["MMG_02_sand_RCO_LP_F","","acc_pointer_IR","optic_Hamr",["130Rnd_338_Mag",130],[],"bipod_01_F_snd"]]] so you're using addMagazineCargo with faulty data (passing array instead of string as weapon class)
Use addWeaponWithAttachmentsCargoGlobal instead: _weaponHolder addWeaponWithAttachmentsCargoGlobal  [_x # 0, 1];

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4 hours ago, h - said:

If _weaponsArray is populated it includes arrays, like [[["MMG_02_sand_RCO_LP_F","","acc_pointer_IR","optic_Hamr",["130Rnd_338_Mag",130],[],"bipod_01_F_snd"]]] so you're using addMagazineCargo with faulty data (passing array instead of string as weapon class)
Use addWeaponWithAttachmentsCargoGlobal instead: _weaponHolder addWeaponWithAttachmentsCargoGlobal  [_x # 0, 1];


That worked @h -!


Thank you!


I just got one instance of "Error type ANY, expected array" on that line. How can I prevent that?

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Odd, I thought that shouldn't really happen. But you just make sure the array _x refers to is not empty (if it is _x # 0 does not exist), so checking that the element is an array and has something in it should help

if (_x isEqualType [] && {count _x > 0}) then {
    _weaponHolder addWeaponWithAttachmentsCargoGlobal [_x # 0, 1];


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3 hours ago, h - said:

Odd, I thought that shouldn't really happen. But you just make sure the array _x refers to is not empty (if it is _x # 0 does not exist), so checking that the element is an array and has something in it should help

if (_x isEqualType [] && {count _x > 0}) then {
    _weaponHolder addWeaponWithAttachmentsCargoGlobal [_x # 0, 1];



That did the trick! 


Thank you @h -!

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